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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00761

Publication number CLPUB00761
Authors Carman M.D.
Title Altered and increased ribonucleotide reductase activity as a mechanism of resistance to hydroxyurea in a human myelogenous leukemia cell line.
Citation Thesis PhD (1988), Yale University, United States
Web pages https://www.proquest.com/openview/f654ffc35010aabb06921c6cfadf4f29/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y
Abstract A series of hydroxyurea (HU) resistant human cell lines were derived from K-562 by selection in increasing concentrations of HU. The most resistant line, KH-450, was capable of growth in 6 mM HU. The resistant cell lines exhibited increasing size and doubling times with increasing resistance. Ribonucleotide reductase (RR) isolated from these cell lines exhibited increased activity and altered response to HU. The KH-300 line, selected in 4 mM HU, had a 6.6-fold increase in activity and a 3.5 fold increase in the IC50 for HU. The KH-450 line had 4-fold increase in activity and a 18- fold increase in the IC50 for HU. Northern and Southern blot analysis indicated that the M1 subunit was unchanged. Blot analysis of the M2 subunit indicated an increase in gene copy number and expression. Maximal gene copy number was noted was a 4- fold increase in the KH-300 line. The KH-450 line had a 2-fold increase in gene copy number. The expression of M2 correlated with the gene copy number. The scenario for the development of the KH-450 line was initial amplification of a normal M2 allele during selection of the intermediate resistant cell lines. A mutation occurred in the M2 subunit at an undetermined step. Final selection in 6 mM HU allowed the cell to deamplify the normal M2 allele, presumably by outgrowth of the low gene copy number sub-population, containing an altered M2 subunit. Blot analysis also revealed that the genes coding for ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and P58 (unknown function) were co-amplified with the M2 gene. The increased levels of ODC conferred cross-resistance to difloromethylornithine in the HU-resistant cells. Attempts to isolate M2 genomic clones from a KH-450 genomic DNA lambda phage library and a chromosome 2 specific library were unsuccessful. A partial genomic clone of the M1 gene was isolated.
Cell lines CVCL_0004; K-562
CVCL_D5D3; KH-25
CVCL_D5D0; KH-200
CVCL_D5D1; KH-250
CVCL_D5D2; KH-375