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Cellosaurus VCaP (CVCL_2235)

[Text version]
Cell line name VCaP
Synonyms VCAP; Vcap; Vertebral Cancer of the Prostate
Accession CVCL_2235
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: VCaP (RRID:CVCL_2235)
Comments Part of: Cancer Dependency Map project (DepMap) (includes Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia - CCLE).
Part of: COSMIC cell lines project.
Part of: TCGA-110-CL cell line panel.
Population: Caucasian.
Characteristics: Established from a xenograft produced by implantation of tumor cells in a SCID mouse.
Virology: Contains an integrated xenotropic MuLV-related virus (XMRV) Bxv-1 (PubMed=21698104).
Doubling time: 220 hours (PubMed=25984343); ~53 hours (ATCC=CRL-2876); ~51 hours (PBCF); 126.45 hours (JWGray panel).
Microsatellite instability: Stable (MSS) (PubMed=23671654; Sanger).
Omics: Deep exome analysis.
Omics: Deep quantitative proteome analysis.
Omics: DNA methylation analysis.
Omics: shRNA library screening.
Omics: SNP array analysis.
Omics: Transcriptome analysis by microarray.
Omics: Transcriptome analysis by RNAseq.
Derived from site: Metastatic; Bone, vertebra; UBERON=UBERON_0002412.
Sequence variations
Genome ancestry Source: PubMed=30894373

Origin% genome
Native American0.05
East Asian, North1.4
East Asian, South0
South Asian0.98
European, North69.8
European, South27.77
Disease Prostate carcinoma (NCIt: C4863)
Species of origin Homo sapiens (Human) (NCBI Taxonomy: 9606)
Hierarchy Children:
Originate from same individual CVCL_2025 ! DuCaP
Sex of cell Male
Age at sampling 59Y
Category Cancer cell line
STR profile Source(s): AddexBio=C0019001/73; ATCC=CRL-2876; CCRID; CLS=300631; Cosmic-CLP=1299075; ECACC=06020201; IZSLER=BS TCL 234; PubMed=14518029; PubMed=25877200; Technion Genomics Center

FGA21,26 (ATCC=CRL-2876; PubMed=25877200; Technion Genomics Center)
26 (CLS=300631)
Penta D9
Penta E10,12

Run an STR similarity search on this cell line
Web pages https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCaP

Korenchuk S., Lehr J.E., McLean L., Lee Y.-G., Whitney S., Vessella R.L., Lin D.L., Pienta K.J.
VCaP, a cell-based model system of human prostate cancer.
In Vivo 15:163-168(2001)

PubMed=14518029; DOI=10.1002/pros.10290
van Bokhoven A., Varella-Garcia M., Korch C.T., Johannes W.U., Smith E.E., Miller H.L., Nordeen S.K., Miller G.J., Lucia M.S.
Molecular characterization of human prostate carcinoma cell lines.
Prostate 57:205-225(2003)

PubMed=14518030; DOI=10.1002/pros.10291
van Bokhoven A., Caires A., Di Maria M., Schulte A.P., Lucia M.S., Nordeen S.K., Miller G.J., Varella-Garcia M.
Spectral karyotype (SKY) analysis of human prostate carcinoma cell lines.
Prostate 57:226-244(2003)

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Models for prostate cancer. Molecular characterization and critical appraisal of human prostate carcinoma cell lines.
Thesis PhD (2004); Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen; Nijmegen; Netherlands

PubMed=21698104; DOI=10.1371/journal.pone.0020874; PMCID=PMC3117837
Sfanos K.S., Aloia A.L., Hicks J.L., Esopi D.M., Steranka J.P., Shao W., Sanchez-Martinez S., Yegnasubramanian S., Burns K.H., Rein A., De Marzo A.M.
Identification of replication competent murine gammaretroviruses in commonly used prostate cancer cell lines.
PLoS ONE 6:E20874-E20874(2011)

PubMed=22460905; DOI=10.1038/nature11003; PMCID=PMC3320027
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The Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia enables predictive modelling of anticancer drug sensitivity.
Nature 483:603-607(2012)

PubMed=23447416; DOI=10.1002/path.4186; PMCID=PMC3668093
Weier C., Haffner M.C., Mosbruger T.L., Esopi D.M., Hicks J.L., Zheng Q.-Z., Fedor H., Isaacs W.B., De Marzo A.M., Nelson W.G., Yegnasubramanian S.
Nucleotide resolution analysis of TMPRSS2 and ERG rearrangements in prostate cancer.
J. Pathol. 230:174-183(2013)

PubMed=23615946; DOI=10.1007/s00439-013-1308-1
Teles Alves I., Hiltemann S., Hartjes T., van der Spek P.J., Stubbs A., Trapman J., Jenster G.
Gene fusions by chromothripsis of chromosome 5q in the VCaP prostate cancer cell line.
Hum. Genet. 132:709-713(2013)

PubMed=23671654; DOI=10.1371/journal.pone.0063056; PMCID=PMC3646030
Lu Y.-H., Soong T.D., Elemento O.
A novel approach for characterizing microsatellite instability in cancer cells.
PLoS ONE 8:E63056-E63056(2013)

PubMed=25984343; DOI=10.1038/sdata.2014.35; PMCID=PMC4432652
Cowley G.S., Weir B.A., Vazquez F., Tamayo P., Scott J.A., Rusin S., East-Seletsky A., Ali L.D., Gerath W.F.J., Pantel S.E., Lizotte P.H., Jiang G.-Z., Hsiao J., Tsherniak A., Dwinell E., Aoyama S., Okamoto M., Harrington W., Gelfand E.T., Green T.M., Tomko M.J., Gopal S., Wong T.C., Li H.-B., Howell S., Stransky N., Liefeld T., Jang D., Bistline J., Meyers B.H., Armstrong S.A., Anderson K.C., Stegmaier K., Reich M., Pellman D., Boehm J.S., Mesirov J.P., Golub T.R., Root D.E., Hahn W.C.
Parallel genome-scale loss of function screens in 216 cancer cell lines for the identification of context-specific genetic dependencies.
Sci. Data 1:140035-140035(2014)

PubMed=25877200; DOI=10.1038/nature14397
Yu M., Selvaraj S.K., Liang-Chu M.M.Y., Aghajani S., Busse M., Yuan J., Lee G., Peale F.V., Klijn C., Bourgon R., Kaminker J.S., Neve R.M.
A resource for cell line authentication, annotation and quality control.
Nature 520:307-311(2015)

PubMed=27397505; DOI=10.1016/j.cell.2016.06.017; PMCID=PMC4967469
Iorio F., Knijnenburg T.A., Vis D.J., Bignell G.R., Menden M.P., Schubert M., Aben N., Goncalves E., Barthorpe S., Lightfoot H., Cokelaer T., Greninger P., van Dyk E., Chang H., de Silva H., Heyn H., Deng X.-M., Egan R.K., Liu Q.-S., Mironenko T., Mitropoulos X., Richardson L., Wang J.-H., Zhang T.-H., Moran S., Sayols S., Soleimani M., Tamborero D., Lopez-Bigas N., Ross-Macdonald P., Esteller M., Gray N.S., Haber D.A., Stratton M.R., Benes C.H., Wessels L.F.A., Saez-Rodriguez J., McDermott U., Garnett M.J.
A landscape of pharmacogenomic interactions in cancer.
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PubMed=28145883; DOI=10.18632/oncotarget.14850; PMCID=PMC5386661
Nouri M., Caradec J., Lubik A.A., Li N., Hollier B.G., Takhar M., Altimirano-Dimas M., Chen M.-Q., Roshan-Moniri M., Butler M., Lehman M., Bishop J.L., Truong S., Huang S.-C., Cochrane D.R., Cox M., Collins C., Gleave M.E., Erho N., Alshalafa M., Davicioni E., Nelson C., Gregory-Evans C.Y., Karnes R.J., Jenkins R.B., Klein E.A., Buttyan R.
Therapy-induced developmental reprogramming of prostate cancer cells and acquired therapy resistance.
Oncotarget 8:18949-18967(2017)

PubMed=29194687; DOI=10.1002/pros.23459; PMCID=PMC5768451
Fiandalo M.V., Wilton J.H., Mantione K.M., Wrzosek C., Attwood K.M., Wu Y., Mohler J.L.
Serum-free complete medium, an alternative medium to mimic androgen deprivation in human prostate cancer cell line models.
Prostate 78:213-221(2018)

PubMed=30305041; DOI=10.1186/s12885-018-4848-x; PMCID=PMC6180441
Jividen K., Kedzierska K.Z., Yang C.-S., Szlachta K., Ratan A., Paschal B.M.
Genomic analysis of DNA repair genes and androgen signaling in prostate cancer.
BMC Cancer 18:960.1-960.20(2018)

PubMed=30244336; DOI=10.1007/s00345-018-2501-6
Samli H., Samli M., Vatansever B., Ardicli S., Aztopal N., Dincel D., Sahin A., Balci F.
Paclitaxel resistance and the role of miRNAs in prostate cancer cell lines.
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PubMed=30894373; DOI=10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-2747; PMCID=PMC6445675
Dutil J., Chen Z.-H., Monteiro A.N.A., Teer J.K., Eschrich S.A.
An interactive resource to probe genetic diversity and estimated ancestry in cancer cell lines.
Cancer Res. 79:1263-1273(2019)

PubMed=31068700; DOI=10.1038/s41586-019-1186-3; PMCID=PMC6697103
Ghandi M., Huang F.W., Jane-Valbuena J., Kryukov G.V., Lo C.C., McDonald E.R. 3rd, Barretina J.G., Gelfand E.T., Bielski C.M., Li H.-X., Hu K., Andreev-Drakhlin A.Y., Kim J., Hess J.M., Haas B.J., Aguet F., Weir B.A., Rothberg M.V., Paolella B.R., Lawrence M.S., Akbani R., Lu Y.-L., Tiv H.L., Gokhale P.C., de Weck A., Mansour A.A., Oh C., Shih J., Hadi K., Rosen Y., Bistline J., Venkatesan K., Reddy A., Sonkin D., Liu M., Lehar J., Korn J.M., Porter D.A., Jones M.D., Golji J., Caponigro G., Taylor J.E., Dunning C.M., Creech A.L., Warren A.C., McFarland J.M., Zamanighomi M., Kauffmann A., Stransky N., Imielinski M., Maruvka Y.E., Cherniack A.D., Tsherniak A., Vazquez F., Jaffe J.D., Lane A.A., Weinstock D.M., Johannessen C.M., Morrissey M.P., Stegmeier F., Schlegel R., Hahn W.C., Getz G., Mills G.B., Boehm J.S., Golub T.R., Garraway L.A., Sellers W.R.
Next-generation characterization of the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia.
Nature 569:503-508(2019)

PubMed=31395879; DOI=10.1038/s41467-019-11415-2; PMCID=PMC6687785
Yu K., Chen B., Aran D., Charalel J., Yau C., Wolf D.M., van 't Veer L.J., Butte A.J., Goldstein T., Sirota M.
Comprehensive transcriptomic analysis of cell lines as models of primary tumors across 22 tumor types.
Nat. Commun. 10:3574.1-3574.11(2019)

PubMed=31978347; DOI=10.1016/j.cell.2019.12.023; PMCID=PMC7339254
Nusinow D.P., Szpyt J., Ghandi M., Rose C.M., McDonald E.R. 3rd, Kalocsay M., Jane-Valbuena J., Gelfand E.T., Schweppe D.K., Jedrychowski M.P., Golji J., Porter D.A., Rejtar T., Wang Y.K., Kryukov G.V., Stegmeier F., Erickson B.K., Garraway L.A., Sellers W.R., Gygi S.P.
Quantitative proteomics of the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia.
Cell 180:387-402.e16(2020)

PubMed=34402095; DOI=10.1002/pros.24210; PMCID=PMC8460612
Haffner M.C., Bhamidipati A., Tsai H.K., Esopi D.M., Vaghasia A.M., Low J.-Y., Patel R.A., Guner G., Pham M.-T., Castagna N., Hicks J.L., Wyhs N., Aebersold R., De Marzo A.M., Nelson W.G., Guo T.-N., Yegnasubramanian S.
Phenotypic characterization of two novel cell line models of castration-resistant prostate cancer.
Prostate 81:1159-1171(2021)

PubMed=35839778; DOI=10.1016/j.ccell.2022.06.010; PMCID=PMC9387775
Goncalves E., Poulos R.C., Cai Z.-X., Barthorpe S., Manda S.S., Lucas N., Beck A., Bucio-Noble D., Dausmann M., Hall C., Hecker M., Koh J., Lightfoot H., Mahboob S., Mali I., Morris J., Richardson L., Seneviratne A.J., Shepherd R., Sykes E., Thomas F., Valentini S., Williams S.G., Wu Y.-X., Xavier D., MacKenzie K.L., Hains P.G., Tully B., Robinson P.J., Zhong Q., Garnett M.J., Reddel R.R.
Pan-cancer proteomic map of 949 human cell lines.
Cancer Cell 40:835-849.e8(2022)

PubMed=38892296; DOI=10.3390/ijms25116111; PMCID=PMC11172770
Beatson E.L., Risdon E.N., Napoli G.C., Price D.K., Chau C.H., Figg W.D. Sr.
Genomic characterization of preclinical prostate cancer cell line models.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25:6111.1-6111.19(2024)

Cell line collections (Providers) AddexBio; C0019001/73
ATCC; CRL-2876
CLS; 300631
ECACC; 06020201
Cell line databases/resources CLO; CLO_0037117
cancercelllines; CVCL_2235
Cell_Model_Passport; SIDM01077
Cosmic-CLP; 1299075
DepMap; ACH-000115
Anatomy/cell type resources BTO; BTO_0003215
Biological sample resources BioSample; SAMN03473238
BioSample; SAMN05292448
BioSample; SAMN10988209
Chemistry resources ChEMBL-Cells; CHEMBL4295435
ChEMBL-Targets; CHEMBL4296508
GDSC; 1299075
PharmacoDB; VCaP_1653_2019
PubChem_Cell_line; CVCL_2235
Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q29511246
Experimental variables resources EFO; EFO_0007752
Gene expression databases ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-2770
ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-3610
GEO; GSM525805
GEO; GSM648824
GEO; GSM887731
GEO; GSM888826
GEO; GSM1374984
GEO; GSM1440913
GEO; GSM1440914
GEO; GSM1633311
GEO; GSM1633312
GEO; GSM1633313
GEO; GSM1670571
GEO; GSM2069530
GEO; GSM2069531
GEO; GSM2069532
GEO; GSM2069533
GEO; GSM2069534
GEO; GSM2069535
GEO; GSM2069536
GEO; GSM2069537
GEO; GSM3145745
GEO; GSM3407124
GEO; GSM3407125
GEO; GSM3407126
GEO; GSM3407127
GEO; GSM3407128
GEO; GSM3407129
GEO; GSM5402196
Polymorphism and mutation databases Cosmic; 1028646
Cosmic; 1028698
Cosmic; 1043330
Cosmic; 1071482
Cosmic; 1689710
Cosmic; 1995663
Cosmic; 2580131
IARC_TP53; 18891
LiGeA; CCLE_269
Progenetix; CVCL_2235
Proteomic databases PRIDE; PXD030304
Sequence databases EGA; EGAS00001000978
Entry history
Entry creation04-Apr-2012
Last entry update19-Dec-2024
Version number44