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Cellosaurus BALB/3T3 clone A31 (CVCL_0184)

[Text version]
Cell line name BALB/3T3 clone A31
Synonyms BALB/c 3T3 clone A31; Balb/c3T3; BALB/c 3T3; Balb/c 3T3; BALB/3T3; Balb/3T3-4-Cl31; 3T3 clone A31; BALB/3T3 cl. A31; BALB 3T3 clone A31; BALB/3T3 (clone A31); B/C3T3; 3T3-A31; 3T3(A31); A31; A31N
Accession CVCL_0184
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: BALB/3T3 clone A31 (RRID:CVCL_0184)
Comments Part of: Naval Biosciences Laboratory (NBL) collection (transferred to ATCC in 1982).
Doubling time: 30-32 hours (Note=At 33 Celsius) (PubMed=4798834); 24 hours (Note=At 38 Celsius) (PubMed=182373).
Omics: SNP array analysis.
Misspelling: BABL/3T3; KCB=KCB 200713YJ.
Derived from site: In situ; Embryo; UBERON=UBERON_0000922.
Cell type: Fibroblast; CL=CL_0000057.
Species of origin Mus musculus (Mouse) (NCBI Taxonomy: 10090)
Breed/subspecies: BALB/c.
Hierarchy Children:
CVCL_6760 (12-A-3)CVCL_VT75 (17-Cl1)CVCL_A6ZR (3T3/40L)
CVCL_VI61 (A31-714)CVCL_A9DY (A31-IS11 EGF-2)CVCL_LF96 (B77-A31)
CVCL_B5VL (BALB/3T3 clone A31 H)CVCL_B5VH (BALB/3T3 clone A31 NTG2)CVCL_B5VD (BALB/3T3 clone A31 Ts-1)
CVCL_B5VE (BALB/3T3 clone A31 ts2)CVCL_B385 (BALB/3T3 clone A31 ts20)CVCL_B5VG (BALB/3T3 clone A31 ts22)
CVCL_A5PN (BALB/3T3 clone A31T)CVCL_4350 (K-BALB)CVCL_5793 (M-MSV-BALB/3T3)
CVCL_LF97 (MC5-5)CVCL_U900 (MT-5)CVCL_T375 (RGB3T3-1)
CVCL_T376 (RGB3T3-5)CVCL_4554 (SV-T2)CVCL_6462 (UC1B)
Sex of cell Sex unspecified
Age at sampling 14-17FD
Category Spontaneously immortalized cell line
STR profile Source(s): PubMed=31220119

Mouse STR 1-116
Mouse STR 1-217
Mouse STR 2-116
Mouse STR 3-214
Mouse STR 4-221.3
Mouse STR 5-514
Mouse STR 6-418
Mouse STR 6-712
Mouse STR 7-125.2
Mouse STR 8-113
Mouse STR 11-217
Mouse STR 12-116
Mouse STR 13-116.2
Mouse STR 15-322.3
Mouse STR 17-215,16
Mouse STR 18-318
Mouse STR 19-214
Mouse STR X-125

Run an STR similarity search on this cell line
Web pages https://www.atcc.org/en/support/technical-support/faqs/atcc-ccl-163-growth-and-morphology

PubMed=4301006; DOI=10.1002/jcp.1040720208
Aaronson S.A., Todaro G.J.
Development of 3T3-like lines from Balb-c mouse embryo cultures: transformation susceptibility to SV40.
J. Cell. Physiol. 72:141-148(1968)

PubMed=4359949; DOI=10.1128/JVI.12.4.711-720.1973; PMCID=PMC356689
Benveniste R.E., Todaro G.J., Scolnick E.M., Parks W.P.
Partial transcription of murine type C viral genomes in BALB c cell lines.
J. Virol. 12:711-720(1973)

PubMed=4792350; DOI=10.1002/ijc.2910120217
Kakunaga T.
A quantitative system for assay of malignant transformation by chemical carcinogens using a clone derived from BALB-3T3.
Int. J. Cancer 12:463-473(1973)

PubMed=4798834; DOI=10.1016/0014-4827(73)90283-8
Wittes R.E., Ozer H.L.
Characterization of a temperature-sensitive mutant of BALB/c 3T3 cells.
Exp. Cell Res. 80:127-136(1973)

Quarles J.M., Tennant R.W.
Effects of nitrosocarbaryl on BALB/3T3 cells.
Cancer Res. 35:2637-2643(1975)

PubMed=182373; DOI=10.1016/0092-8674(76)90028-3
Slater M.L., Ozer H.L.
Temperature-sensitive mutants of Balb/3T3 cells: description of a mutant affected in cellular and polyoma virus DNA synthesis.
Cell 7:289-295(1976)

PubMed=10848989; DOI=10.1046/j.1432-1327.2000.01404.x
Salvat C., Acquaviva C., Scheffner M., Robbins I., Piechaczyk M., Jariel-Encontre I.
Molecular characterization of the thermosensitive E1 ubiquitin-activating enzyme cell mutant A31N-ts20. Requirements upon different levels of E1 for the ubiquitination/degradation of the various protein substrates in vivo.
Eur. J. Biochem. 267:3712-3722(2000)

PubMed=22576795; DOI=10.3892/or.2012.1763
Ashinuma H., Takiguchi Y., Kitazono S., Kitazono-Saitoh M., Kitamura A., Chiba T., Tada Y., Kurosu K., Sakaida E., Sekine I., Tanabe N., Iwama A., Yokosuka O., Tatsumi K.
Antiproliferative action of metformin in human lung cancer cell lines.
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PubMed=25277546; DOI=10.1186/1471-2164-15-847; PMCID=PMC4198738
Didion J.P., Buus R.J., Naghashfar Z., Threadgill D.W., Morse H.C. 3rd, Pardo-Manuel de Villena F.
SNP array profiling of mouse cell lines identifies their strains of origin and reveals cross-contamination and widespread aneuploidy.
BMC Genomics 15:847.1-847.11(2014)

PubMed=31220119; DOI=10.1371/journal.pone.0218412; PMCID=PMC6586308
Almeida J.L., Dakic A., Kindig K., Kone M., Letham D.L.D., Langdon S., Peat R., Holding-Pillai J., Hall E.M., Ladd M., Shaffer M.D., Berg H., Li J.-L., Wigger G., Lund S., Steffen C.R., Fransway B.B., Geraghty B., Natoli M., Bauer B.A., Gollin S.M., Lewis D.W., Reid Y.A.
Interlaboratory study to validate a STR profiling method for intraspecies identification of mouse cell lines.
PLoS ONE 14:E0218412-E0218412(2019)

Cell line collections (Providers) ATCC; CCL-163
ATCC; CRL-6587 - Discontinued
ATCC; CRL-6588 - Discontinued
BCRC; 60009
BCRJ; 0047
CLS; 305155
ECACC; 86110401
ICLC; AL09001
KCB; KCB 200713YJ
KCLB; 10163
NCBI_Iran; C162
RCB; RCB0005
RCB; RCB2647 - Discontinued
TKG; TKG 0187
Cell line databases/resources CLO; CLO_0001346
CLO; CLO_0001859
CLO; CLO_0050542
MCCL; MCC:0000075
CLDB; cl385
CLDB; cl386
CLDB; cl387
CLDB; cl388
CLDB; cl389
CLDB; cl7216
CCRID; 1101MOU-PUMC000186
Lonza; 1351
TOKU-E; 615
TOKU-E; 3612
Anatomy/cell type resources BTO; BTO_0000218
Biological sample resources BioSample; SAMN11397624 - Discontinued
Chemistry resources ChEMBL-Cells; CHEMBL3308086
ChEMBL-Targets; CHEMBL613876
PubChem_Cell_line; CVCL_0184
Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q28334278
Medical resources MeSH; D041702
Entry history
Entry creation04-Apr-2012
Last entry update19-Dec-2024
Version number33