HCC1937: 86 (7490) X, Xx0/1 der(X)t(X;3), der(X)t(X;5), 1x0, der(1)t(1;4), der(1)del(1)x2, 2x1, der(2)t(2;5), der(2)t(10;2;5), 3x2, der(3)del(3)t(X;3), der(3)del(3)t(3;5), der(3)del(3), 4x0, i(4)(q10), der(4)t(4;13), der(4)t(13;4;8;9;12), 5x2, der(5)del(5)t(3;5), der(5)del(5), 6x2, der(6)t(5;6;1), der(6)t(5;6;1;6;5), 7x2, der(7)del(7)t(7;14), der(7)del(7)x2, 8x2, der(8)t(8;10)bx2, der(8)t(8;1;20), 9x2, der(9)del(9), 10x2, der(10)t(8;10)b, der(10)t(3;10), der(10)del(10)t(X;10)x2, der(10)del(10), 11x2, der(11)t(11;20), 12x3, 13x3, 14x2, der(14)t(3;14), 15x2, der(15)t(8;15), der(15)dic(15;15), 16x2, der(16)t(1;16), 17x3, 18x0/1, der(18)t(1;18), der(18)t(12;18), der(18)t(18;20)x2, 19x0/1, der(19)t(X;19), der(19)t(11;19), 20x3, 21x1, der(21)t(21;22), 22x3.
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Examples of verification of representative structural abnormalities by two-and three-colour FISH. a and b, the two large derivatives of chromosome 6: a, der(6)t(5;6;1;6;5) chromosome 5 blue, chromosome 6 red, chromosome 1 green, b, der(1)t(5;6;1) chromosome 5 blue, chromosome 6 red, chromosome 1 green; c, t(5;6;5;6;?;6;5), an example of a variant of the der(6) shown in a, found in three metaphases, chromosome 5 green, chromosome 6 red (note change of colours). The unlabelled chromosome '?' is presumed to be 1 as in a. d and e, the complex chromosome 4 derivative, der(4)t(13;4;8;9;12). d, chromosome 13 blue, chromosome 9 green, chromosome 12 red. e, chromosome 4 blue, chromosome 8 red. f, reciprocal translocation t(8;10), chromosome 8 red, chromosome 10 blue.