Publication number |
CLPUB00734 |
Authors |
Silva A.P.M., Carraro D.M., Pires L.C., Jongeneel V.C., De Souza S.J., Camargo A.A. |
Title |
Characterization of novel c-erbB2 regulated genes using massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS). |
Citation |
Cancer Res. 66 Suppl. 8:19-20(2006) |
Web pages | |
Abstract |
Overexpression of the proto-oncogene c-erbB2 is observed in 30% of breast
tumors and is considered an adverse prognostic factor for breast cancer.
However, the molecular mechanisms associated with c-erbB2 overexpression
are not yet understood. In this work, transcriptional changes associated
with c-erbB2 overexpression were investigated using Massively Parallel
Signature Sequencing (MPSS). MPSS is a powerful technique for genome-wide
gene expression analysis, which relies on the production and
quantification of short tags proximal to the 3' end of transcripts. Over
24 million MPSS tags, representing aproximately 17,000 different genes
were generated for a immortalized mammary luminal epithelial cell line
(HB4a) and for a variant cell line (C5.2) transfected with c-erbB2. After
establishing reliable correlations between tags and known human
transcripts, 9% of the tags could not be associated with a known
transcripts and were designated orphan tags. Among the orphan tags there
were many that showed differential expression between HB4a and C5.2 cell
lines and probably represent novel genes regulated by c-erbB2. In order to
further characterize these novel genes, we have extended 83 tags orphan
tags towards the 3' end of the corresponding mRNA molecule using a
methodology named GLGI (Generation of Longer cDNA fragments for Gene
Identification). Forty one 3' cDNA fragments were obtained and similarity
analysis of these fragments using BLAST allowed the identification of 10
transcripts putativelly regulated by c-erB2. Differential expression in
the C5.2 cell line of 3 out of the 10 transcripts putativelly regulated by
c-erbB2 was confirmed by real-time PCR. We are currently investigating the
effects of Herceptin treatment on gene expression patterns in HER2-
amplified and nonamplified breast cancer cell lines in order to elucidate
the molecular consequences of blocking the HER pathway.
Cell lines |
CVCL_J984; C5.2 CVCL_J982; HB4a |