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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00097

Publication number CLPUB00097
Authors Stocker J.W., Forster H.K., Miggiano V., Stahli C., Staiger G., Takacs B., Staehelin T.
Title Generation of two new myeloma cell lines 'PAI' and 'PAI-O' for hybridoma production.
Citation Res. Discl. 217:155-157(1982)
Abstract The development of the hybridoma technology (1) has allowed the production of specific monoclonal antibodies which provide unique and invaluable reagents for a variety of applications. The reliable production of hybridoma cell lines is dependent on the availability of a suitable myeloma cell line to act as a fusion partner for antibody-forming cells While several cell lines exist for this purpose, none has in experiments in our laboratory fulfilled all of the criteria for an ideal fusion partner. These would include: 1) Rapid growth rate. 2) Growth in cheaper tissue culture media (eg media supple-mented with horse serum rather than the expensive fetal calf serum). 3) The line and its hybridoma descendents should be readily clonable In soft agar or by dilution. 4) No production of immunoglobulin (Ig) chains by the line. 5) High frequency of fusion with antibody-forming cells. This assumes freedom from mycoplasma contamination. 6) All stages in the generation and cloning of hybridomas should be independent of feeder cells. 7) Hybridomas should be stable producers of the monoclonal antibody. 8) Hybridoma cells should not die under crowded conditions of culture (eg neglect over a weekend!). This report describes the production of a line which has all these characteristics using as the starting point the line P3-Ag8-gamma1- an Ig- non-secretor clone of P3-X63-Ag8. The line P3-Ag8-gamma1- produces intracellular kappa light chains (kappa) which are expressed in derived hybridomas, resulting in 'scrambled' antibodies.
Cell lines CVCL_J288; PAI
CVCL_Z070; PAI-0