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Cellosaurus KGN-MXIV (CVCL_E3DH)

[Text version]
Cell line name KGN-MXIV
Accession CVCL_E3DH
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: KGN-MXIV (RRID:CVCL_E3DH)
Comments Population: Japanese.
Characteristics: Control cell line for KGN-YAP (Cellosaurus=CVCL_E3DI) and KGN-YAP(S127A) (Cellosaurus=CVCL_E3DJ). Transduced with an empty vector (PubMed=24389730).
Genetic integration: Method=Transduction; Gene=HGNC; HGNC:16262; YAP1.
Genetic integration: Method=Transduction; Gene=HGNC; HGNC:16262; YAP1 (Note=With p.Ser127Ala).
Genetic integration: Method=Transduction; Gene=UniProtKB; P00552; Transposon Tn5 neo.
Derived from site: In situ; Ovary, ovarian follicle, granulosa cell layer; UBERON=UBERON_0005170.
Sequence variations
  • Mutation; HGNC; HGNC:1092; FOXL2; Simple; p.Cys134Trp (c.402C>G); ClinVar=VCV000376348; Zygosity=Heterozygous (from parent cell line).
Disease Ovarian granulosa cell tumor (NCIt: C6261)
Maligant granulosa cell tumor of the ovary (ORDO: Orphanet_99915)
Species of origin Homo sapiens (Human) (NCBI Taxonomy: 9606)
Hierarchy Parent: CVCL_0375 (KGN)
Sex of cell Female
Age at sampling 63Y
Category Cancer cell line

PubMed=24389730; DOI=10.1530/ERC-13-0339; PMCID=PMC4222524
Fu D., Lv X.-M., Hua G.-H., He C.-B., Dong J.-X., Lele S.M., Li D.W.-C., Zhai Q.-L., Davis J.S., Wang C.
YAP regulates cell proliferation, migration, and steroidogenesis in adult granulosa cell tumors.
Endocr. Relat. Cancer 21:297-310(2014)

Entry history
Entry creation10-Sep-2024
Last entry update19-Dec-2024
Version number2