Publication number |
CLPUB00545 |
Authors |
McLemore T.L., Alley M.C., Liu M.C., Hubbard W.C., Adelberg S., Czerwinski M.J., Yu S., Stinson S., Storeng R., Eggleston J.C., Boyd M.R. |
Title |
Histopathologic, biochemical, and molecular genetic characterization of four newly established pulmonary carcinoma cell lines. |
Citation |
Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 30:225.894-225.894(1989) |
Abstract |
Four new human lung cancer cell lines (LCCL) have been developed in vitro
from surgically resected primary pulmonary carcinoma tissue. These
include: Hop 18 large cell undifferentiated carcinoma, Hop 19 and 62
adenocarcinomas, and Hop 27 large cell undifferentiated/small cell mixed
carcinoma. These 4 new LCCL have been extensively characterized according
to their individual histologic, cytologic, ultrastructural, biochemical
and molecular genetic features and when possible these characteristics
were compared with the original tumor specimens from which they were
derived in order to confirm the authenticity of individual LCCL. Each LCCL
was generally similar to the original tumor specimens from which they were
derived, demonstrating that the LCCL have retained their original
histopathologic, and biochemical characteristics. Individual LCCL were
biochemically characterized for endogenous prostaglandin biosynthesis as
well as metabolism of different xenobiotics including 4-ipomeanol and
benzo(a)-pyrene. Expression of different cytochrome P-450 genes, a multidrug
resistant gene and glutathione-S-transferase gene were also studied
in the 4 LCCL as well as DNA fingerprint analyses using variable tandem
repeat DNA probes. These biochemical and molecular genetic markers were
effectively used to fingerprint the individual LCCL. These new, well
characterized LCCL should be useful for study of the biology of human LC.
Cell lines |
CVCL_H642; HOP-18 CVCL_H643; HOP-19 CVCL_YA86; HOP-27 CVCL_1285; HOP-62 |