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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00483

Publication number CLPUB00483
Authors Rhim J.S., Li H.-Z., Furusato B., Miki J., Sun C., Sreenath T., Dobi A., Petrovics G., Hukku B., Sesterhenn I.A., McLeod D.G., Srivastava S.
Title A new cell line expressing a novel type of TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusion derived from primary tumors of familial prostate cancer patient.
Citation Cancer Res. 68 Suppl. 9:194-194(2008)
Web pages https://aacrjournals.org/cancerres/article/68/9_Supplement/194/545672/
Abstract Recent studies have established that a high proportion of prostate cancer harbors a gene fusion between the androgen regulated TMPRSS2 gene and the ETS genes ERG, ETV1 or ETV4. However in vitro model representing primary tumors to study the molecular mechanisms and functional consequences of this important chromosomal rearrangement are currently limited and are greatly needed. The tumor tissue (RC-123T) used for generating the RC-123T/E cell line with HPV-16 E6E7 genes was obtained from a 57 year old familial prostate cancer patient who had adenocarcinoma with well differentiation (Gleason 3+3). The cell line was characterized phenotypically and cytogenically. Dual color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay was used to test for ERG (3'5') break aparts, and for translocation of TMPRSS2 and ERG and ETV1, in both interphase nuclei as well as metaphases. The cells were also characterized for putative stem cell markers CD133, SOX2 and prostate cell markers by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. We have successfully established an immortalized human prostate epithelial cell culture derived from primary tumors of familial prostate cancer patients carrying TMPRSS2-ERG fusion genes with HPV16 E6E7 genes (RC-123T/E). RC-123T/E cells are currently growing well at passage 30, whereas RC-123T cells senesced at passage 5. Expression of an androgen-regulated prostate specific homeobox gene, NKX3. 1, the epithelial cell-specific cytokeratin 8 and androgen receptor but not prostate specific antigen, was detected in RC-123T/E cells. TMPRSS2- ERG genes were also expressed in this line. The RC-123T/E cells formed spheres under suspension culture and branched differentiated in matrigel. The RC-123T/E cells also expressed putative stem cell markers CD133 and SOX2. Interestingly, the FISH analysis showed the translocation of chromosome t(7;21)(q21:q21) in the RC-123T/E cell line and also in its primary tumor tissue. We demonstrate that RC-123T/E cell line and its primary tumor tissue possess the translocation of TMPRSS2/ERG to chromosome 7q which adds another class of gene arrangement in prostate cancer. In addition, this cell line expressed putative stem cell markers and TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusion. This model provides a novel tool to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms of TMPRSS2-ETS genes in prostate cancer.
Cell lines CVCL_VV24; RC-123T/E