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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00405

Publication number CLPUB00405
Authors Xiong H., He X.-H., Zhang W.-X., Li C.-L., Li M., Guan W.-J., Ma Y.-H.
Title Establishment and characterization of a fibroblast line from Duroc.
Citation Pak. J. Zool. 46:363-369(2004)
Web pages https://www.zsp.com.pk/pdf46/363-369%20_8_%20PJZ-1516-13%2017-2-14%20Establishment%20and%20Characterization%20of%20a%20Fibroblast%20Lin_.pdf
Abstract A Duroc fibroblast cell line has been established and the genetic resources have been long-term stored. We obtained the cell line by primary culture, subculture and cryopreservation, cells' viability were assessed, microbial or other organisms contamination were excluded, isoenzyme analysis and chromosome analysis were detected, three exogenous genes were transfect into the cells, results showed the freezing has little influence to the cell viability, the purity and the hereditary stability of the cell line were in good condition, which could provide abundant genetic materials for other researches in biological field.
Cell lines CVCL_LJ50; DEMF