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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00337

Publication number CLPUB00337
Authors Leibovitz A., McCombs W.B. 3rd, Johnston D., McCoy C.E., Stinson J.C.
Title Two new human cancer cell lines.
Citation In Vitro 8:433-434(1973)
Abstract In developing techniques and media for the isolation and cultivation of cell lines from human solid tumors, two recent isolates are of interest for their unusual characteristics. Both were isolated by the spinner spillout technique and grown in medium L-15 plus various additives. SW13, epithelial-like cells obtained from a small cell carcinoma of the adrenal cortex, grew in colonies and domed. Ultrastructurally, they contained numerous bulb-type gap junctions. By the 25th passage, the cells lost most of their ability to dome, and significantly fewer gap junctions were noted. SW48 was derived from an adenocarcinoma of the colon. The cells grew as grape-like clusters their first 7 months in vitro and then partially as monolayers of epithelial-like cells. In platform suspension cultures, they grew as multicell spheroids which enlarge and develop necrotic centers. Ultrastructurally they were epithelial-like cells tightly enmeshed by their microvilli and joined by desmosomes. The multicell spheroids formed a tight layer of cells around their periphery and a similar layer to wall off the necrotic area. The latter layer of cells disappeared when the area of necrosis became extensive. This cell line is an excellent in vitro model of human nodular carcinomas. No reference could be found in the literature of similar cell lines obtained from human tissues.
Cell lines CVCL_0542; SW13
CVCL_1724; SW48