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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00164

Publication number CLPUB00164
Authors Deshmukh C.G., Bahekar R.S.
Title Comparative in vitro replication and serial passaging of BMNPV in the DZNU-BM-12 and other cell lines.
Citation Int. J. Sci. Res. Pub. 3:3.1-3.3(2013)
Web pages https://www.ijsrp.org/research-paper-0313/ijsrp-p1588.pdf
Abstract The newly established ovarian cell line of Bombyx mori, DZNU-Bm-12 was tested for its susceptibility to homologous nucleopolyhedrovirus, BmNPV. The BmNPV was serially passaged in the cell line for five times along with the other four cell lines Bm-1, Bm-16 and Bm-17 which is established in our laboratory and Bm-5 is a widely used cell line. All the cell lines are susceptible to BmNPV. The overall range of BmNPV infection during serial passaging was more than 90% was observed in Bm-1, Bm-5 and Bm-16, whereas in Bm-12 and Bm-17 it was between 77 and 89%. The average number of OBs/infected cell was 16-19 in Bm-1, Bm-5 and Bm-16 but in Bm-12 it was 9-13 and only 7-8 in Bm-17.
Cell lines CVCL_0A00; Bm5
CVCL_Z082; DZNU-Bm-1
CVCL_Z115; DZNU-Bm-12
CVCL_Z304; DZNU-Bm-16
CVCL_Z116; DZNU-Bm-17