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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00071

Publication number CLPUB00071
Authors Davis E.V., Bolin V.S.
Title Continuous cultivation of isogenous cell lines from the human embryo.
Citation Fed. Proc. 19:386.15-386.15(1960)
Abstract Attempts to develop sensitive tissue culture systems for isolation of possible viral agents responsible for epidemic gastroenteritis have led to the establishment of five serially transplantable cell lines from one human embryo. The organs of origin included brain, lung, heart, liver and intestine. An epithelial-like morphology was established after 3-5 serial transfers and has persisted for one year. Multinuclear giant cells are frequently observed with nuclei numbers ranging from 3-20. The spectrum of susceptibility to known enteroviruses varies with each cell line. Isolation of the cell line, the viral spectrum and morphological characteristics will be discussed.
Cell lines CVCL_1908; L-132