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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00034

Publication number CLPUB00034
Authors Iwai Y.
Title Establishment of DD/Tbr mouse mammary tumor cell lines.
Citation J. Nara Med. Assoc. 32:168-180(1981)
Abstract Mouse mammary tumor cell lines were established in culture from a tumor arising spontaneously in a female mouse of DD/Tbr strain. Two epithelial (DD-762 and DD-763) and one spindle-shaped (DD-764) cell lines were isolated from DD-761 by single cell cloning. Cytological and growth properties in vitro, ability to produce viruses, the characteristics of produced viruses, kinetics of virus production, and effects of dexamethasone (DXM) on virus production were examined in these cell lines, and following results were obtained. 1) The chromosome number and population-doubling time were 80 and 18 hours respectively in all cell lines except DD-764. 2) The virus produced by these cell lines was considered to be B-type RNA virus (MuMTV) according to the following evidence: a) the culture harvest contained virus particles with a density of 1.17g/ml, and 70S RNA was extracted from the particles, b) the viral RNA-dependent DNA polymerase (RDDP) prefers rather Mg" than Mn" with poly (rA).(dT)12-14 as synthetic template-primer, c) no murine leukemia virus (MuLV) was detected by the UV-XC test and Mink S+L- focus induction assay. 3) The kinetics of virus release into culture fluid was studied by RDDP assay. MuMTV production was not observed in the epithelial cell lines at the logarithmic phase of cell growth, but was observed at the stationary phase. 4) The levels of MuMTV production in 4 different cell lines were compared by RDDP assays. DD-762 produced approximately 0.8mg viral protein/l/day and is considered an excellent source of MuMTV. 5) DXM (5mug/ml) resulted in about a 15-fold increase in MuMTV production in the presence of insulin (10/mug/ml). This enhancing effect was reversible.
Cell lines CVCL_8184; DD-761
CVCL_8185; DD-762
CVCL_8186; DD-763
CVCL_8187; DD-764