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Cellosaurus publication CLPUB00008

Publication number CLPUB00008
Authors Chen S.-N., Ueno Y., Wen S.-C., Kou G.-H.
Title Establishment of a cell line from kidney of tilapia.
Citation Bull. Eur. Assoc. Fish Pathol. 3:1-4(1983)
Web pages https://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search.do?recordID=DK19840008652
Abstract In recent years, tilapia has become the prime domesticated species in fish culture in many countries. Due to easy breeding, high productivity and palatability and strong tolerance of environmental factors, the farming of tilapia has proved to be a worthy economic enterprise in Taiwan. However, as culture activity increases, the risk of diseases runs high. In the past three years there were several outbreaks of diseases of tilapia which caused high mortality rates (unpublished data) and it was possible that a virus infection may have been the cause. In order to investigate tilapia viruses, a cell line derived from homogenous tissues is urgently needed. The present paper describes the establishment of a cell line from kidney of healthy tilapia.
Cell lines CVCL_R879; TK-1 [Tilapia]