DR   ICLDB; hpb-sl
DR   Wikidata; Q94216689
RX   CelloPub=CLPUB00496;
RX   DOI=10.1111/j.1439-0418.1978.tb02444.x;
CC   Group: Insect cell line.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=7109; ! Spodoptera littoralis (Egyptian cotton leafworm)
SX   Sex unspecified
AG   Larval stage
CA   Spontaneously immortalized cell line
DT   Created: 24-05-19; Last updated: 21-03-23; Version: 4
RX   CelloPub=CLPUB00496;
RA   Hink W.F.;
RT   "The 1979 compilation of invertebrate cell lines and culture media.";
RL   (In) Invertebrate systems in vitro; Kurstak E., Maramorosch K., Dubendorfer A. (eds.); pp.553-578; Elsevier; Oxford (1980).
RX   DOI=10.1111/j.1439-0418.1978.tb02444.x;
RA   Hilwig I., Eipel H.E.;
RT   "Characterization of insect cell lines by DNA content.";
RL   J. Appl. Entomol. 87:216-220(1978).