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Cellosaurus A1-410 (CVCL_LN04)

[Text version]
Cell line name A1-410
Accession CVCL_LN04
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: A1-410 (RRID:CVCL_LN04)
Comments Monoclonal antibody isotype: IgG3, kappa.
Monoclonal antibody target: ChEBI; CHEBI_89637; Ganglioside GD2.
Species of origin Mus musculus (Mouse) (NCBI Taxonomy: 10090)
Hierarchy Parent: CVCL_2155 (P3/NS1/1-Ag4.1)
Category Hybridoma

PubMed=2448252; DOI=10.1002/ijc.2910410218
Kawashima I., Tada N., Ikegami S., Nakamura S., Ueda R., Tai T.
Mouse monoclonal antibodies detecting disialogangliosides on mouse and human T lymphomas.
Int. J. Cancer 41:267-274(1988)

Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q54606237
Entry history
Entry creation15-Nov-2017
Last entry update19-Dec-2024
Version number4