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Cellosaurus 1426 (CVCL_LB76)

[Text version]
Cell line name 1426
Accession CVCL_LB76
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: 1426 (RRID:CVCL_LB76)
Comments Group: Marsupial cell line.
Disease Devil facial tumor disease 1 (NCIt: C176223)
Species of origin Sarcophilus harrisii (Tasmanian devil) (Sarcophilus laniarius) (NCBI Taxonomy: 9305)
Originate from same individual CVCL_LB75 ! 1/2Pea
CVCL_LB77 ! 2112
CVCL_LB78 ! 4906
CVCL_LB79 ! C5065
Sex of cell Female
Category Cancer cell line

PubMed=23479617; DOI=10.1073/pnas.1219920110; PMCID=PMC3612627
Siddle H.V.T., Kreiss A., Tovar Lopez C.D., Yuen C.K., Cheng Y.-Y., Belov K., Swift K., Pearse A.-M., Hamede R., Jones M.E., Skjodt K., Woods G.M., Kaufman J.
Reversible epigenetic down-regulation of MHC molecules by devil facial tumour disease illustrates immune escape by a contagious cancer.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110:5103-5108(2013)

PubMed=27936237; DOI=10.1371/journal.pone.0168068; PMCID=PMC5148113
Patchett A.L., Darby J.M., Tovar Lopez C.D., Lyons A.B., Woods G.M.
The immunomodulatory small molecule imiquimod induces apoptosis in devil facial tumour cell lines.
PLoS ONE 11:E0168068-E0168068(2016)

Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q54581804
Entry history
Entry creation22-Aug-2017
Last entry update21-Mar-2023
Version number4