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Cellosaurus CB43 (CVCL_E2V1)

[Text version]
Cell line name CB43
Accession CVCL_E2V1
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: CB43 (RRID:CVCL_E2V1)
Comments Monoclonal antibody isotype: IgM.
Monoclonal antibody target: UniProtKB; Q01650; Human SLC7A5.
Species of origin Mus musculus (Mouse) (NCBI Taxonomy: 10090)
Hierarchy Parent: CVCL_4032 (P3X63Ag8.653)
Category Hybridoma

PubMed=2465900; DOI=10.1002/eji.1830190102
Bellone G., Alloatti G., Levi R., Geuna M., Tetta C., Peruzzi L., Letarte M., Malavasi F.
Identification of a new epitope of the 4F2/44D7 molecular complex present on sarcolemma and isolated cardiac fibers.
Eur. J. Immunol. 19:1-8(1989)

PubMed=2715875; DOI=10.1002/jcla.1860030110
Funaro A., Bellone G., De Monte L., Alessio M., Roggero S., Peruzzi L., Cappa A.P.M., Malavasi F.
Generation and selection of monoclonal antibodies identifying surface molecules discriminating between fetal and adult fibroblasts.
J. Clin. Lab. Anal. 3:50-55(1989)

Entry history
Entry creation10-Sep-2024
Last entry update10-Sep-2024
Version number1