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Cellosaurus NTG-P (CVCL_D5JD)

[Text version]
Cell line name NTG-P
Accession CVCL_D5JD
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: NTG-P (RRID:CVCL_D5JD)
Comments Group: Plant cell line.
Characteristics: Photoautotrophic growth (PubMed=16666458).
Characteristics: Capable of growth in vitamin-free medium (PubMed=16667897).
Characteristics: Can be used to prepare protoplasts (DOI=10.1007/BF00327672).
Doubling time: ~14 days (PubMed=16666458).
Derived from site: In situ; Leaf.
Species of origin Nicotiana glutinosa x Nicotiana tabacum (Hybrid tobacco) (NCBI Taxonomy: 200322)
Category Spontaneously immortalized cell line

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The use of amino acid analog resistance and plant regeneration ability to select somatic hybrids between Nicotiana tabacum and N. glutinosa.
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PubMed=16666458; DOI=10.1104/pp.88.4.1297
Xu C.-H., Blair L.C., Rogers S.M.D., Govindjee X., Widholm J.M.
Characteristics of five new photoautotrophic suspension cultures including two amaranthus species and a cotton strain growing on ambient CO(2) levels.
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PubMed=16667897; DOI=10.1104/pp.94.4.1641
Goldstein C.S., Widholm J.M.
Photosynthetic characterization of photoautotrophic cells cultured in a minimal medium.
Plant Physiol. 94:1641-1646(1990)

Widholm J.M.
Properties and uses of photoautotrophic plant cell cultures.
Int. Rev. Cytol. 132:109-175(1992)

Lozovaya V.V., Luo X.-M., Widholm J.M.
Rapid recovery of photosynthetic cell suspension cultures following heterotrophic bleaching.
In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. Plant 32:295-298(1996)

Entry history
Entry creation02-May-2024
Last entry update02-May-2024
Version number1