SY   human-derived Choroid Plexus Papilloma
DR   Wikidata; Q127381128
RX   Patent=CN116875551A;
CC   Group: Patented cell line.
CC   Registration: International Depositary Authority, China General Microbiological Culture Collection Center; CGMCC No.45152.
CC   Population: Chinese.
CC   Doubling time: 16.0 +- 1.3 hours (Patent=CN116875551A).
CC   Transformant: NCBI_TaxID; 1891767; Simian virus 40 (SV40).
CC   Derived from site: In situ; Brain, choroid plexus; UBERON=UBERON_0001886.
CC   Cell type: Epithelial cell; CL=CL_0000066.
ST   Source(s): Patent=CN116875551A
ST   Amelogenin: X
ST   CSF1PO: 10,13
ST   D12S391: 22,24
ST   D13S317: 11,13
ST   D16S539: 9,11
ST   D18S51: 13,17
ST   D19S433: 14,14.2
ST   D21S11: 30,30.3
ST   D2S1338: 18,23
ST   D2S441: 10
ST   D3S1358: 15,17
ST   D5S818: 12,13
ST   D6S1043: 12,17
ST   D7S820: 8,10
ST   D8S1179: 10,13
ST   FGA: 22,24
ST   Penta D: 12
ST   Penta E: 13,17
ST   TH01: 7,10
ST   TPOX: 11
ST   vWA: 16,18
DI   ORDO; Orphanet_2807; Papilloma of choroid plexus
OX   NCBI_TaxID=9606; ! Homo sapiens (Human)
SX   Male
AG   Age unspecified
CA   Transformed cell line
DT   Created: 30-01-24; Last updated: 10-09-24; Version: 2
RX   Patent=CN116875551A;
RA   Li G.-J., Tian Y.-J., Li Z.-N., Jing H.-M., Ning J.-Y., Tan Z.-S.,
RA   Gao S., Zhang G.-Y., Wang J.-D., Zhang N., Zeng X.-P., Liu X.-Y.,
RA   Zhang H., Liu Z.-M.;
RT   "Cell line derived from humanized choroid plexus papilloma and
RT   application thereof.";
RL   Patent number CN116875551A, 13-Oct-2023.