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Cellosaurus ISFi004-A (CVCL_C1G3)

[Text version]
Cell line name ISFi004-A
Synonyms F1
Accession CVCL_C1G3
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: ISFi004-A (RRID:CVCL_C1G3)
Comments From: Institute for Stem Cell Research, Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen; Neuherberg; Germany.
Derived from site: In situ; Skin; UBERON=UBERON_0002097.
Cell type: Fibroblast of skin; CL=CL_0002620.
Sequence variations
  • Mutation; HGNC; HGNC:23109; FAT4; Simple; p.Cys4161Phe (c.12482G>T) (p.Cys4159Phe, c.12476G>T); ClinVar=VCV000089004; Zygosity=Heterozygous (PubMed=30858616).
  • Mutation; HGNC; HGNC:23109; FAT4; Simple; p.Cys4400Tyr (c.13199G>A) (p.Cys4398Tyr, c.13193G>A); ClinVar=VCV000089005; Zygosity=Heterozygous (PubMed=30858616).
Disease Van Maldergem syndrome 2 (NCIt: C188994)
Cerebrofacioarticular syndrome (ORDO: Orphanet_314679)
Species of origin Homo sapiens (Human) (NCBI Taxonomy: 9606)
Sex of cell Male
Age at sampling 12Y
Category Induced pluripotent stem cell

PubMed=30858616; DOI=10.1038/s41591-019-0371-0
Klaus J., Kanton S., Kyrousi C., Ayo-Martin A.C., Di Giaimo R., Riesenberg S., O'Neill A.C., Camp J.G., Tocco C., Santel M., Rusha E., Drukker M., Schroeder M., Gotz M., Robertson S.P., Treutlein B., Cappello S.
Altered neuronal migratory trajectories in human cerebral organoids derived from individuals with neuronal heterotopia.
Nat. Med. 25:561-568(2019)

Cell line databases/resources hPSCreg; ISFi004-A
Biological sample resources BioSamples; SAMEA13883019
Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q114311768
Entry history
Entry creation22-Sep-2022
Last entry update19-Dec-2024
Version number5