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Cellosaurus U14 (CVCL_9U56)

[Text version]
Cell line name U14
Accession CVCL_9U56
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: U14 (RRID:CVCL_9U56)
Comments Transformant: ChEBI; CHEBI:34342; 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC; 20-methylcholanthrene; 20-MC; MCA).
Disease Mouse cervical carcinoma (NCIt: C24068)
Species of origin Mus musculus (Mouse) (NCBI Taxonomy: 10090)
Breed/subspecies: Kunming.
Hierarchy Children:
CVCL_9U57 (U14-GFP)
Originate from same individual CVCL_9U22 ! L10-90
CVCL_9U43 ! P11-90
Sex of cell Female
Category Cancer cell line

Gu B., Feng H.-L., Dong J.-H., Zhang H., Bian X.-C., Liu Y.-Q.
The establishment and characterization of a continuous cell line of mouse cervical carcinoma.
Chin. J. Clin. Oncol. 5:44-48(2008)

Cell line databases/resources CCRID; 1101MOU-PUMC000238
CCRID; 1101MOU-PUMC000311
Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q54973624
Entry history
Entry creation23-Feb-2016
Last entry update21-Mar-2023
Version number9