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Cellosaurus SK-N-LE (CVCL_5G80)

[Text version]
Cell line name SK-N-LE
Accession CVCL_5G80
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: SK-N-LE (RRID:CVCL_5G80)
Comments From: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; New York; USA.
Disease Neuroblastoma (NCIt: C3270)
Neuroblastoma (ORDO: Orphanet_635)
Species of origin Homo sapiens (Human) (NCBI Taxonomy: 9606)
Category Cancer cell line

PubMed=2987426; DOI=10.1007/BF00165170
Helson L., Helson C.
Human neuroblastoma cells and 13-cis-retinoic acid.
J. Neurooncol. 3:39-41(1985)

Israel M.A., Thiele C.J.
Tumor cell lines of the peripheral nervous system.
(In book chapter) Atlas of human tumor cell lines; Hay R.J., Park J.-G., Gazdar A.F. (eds.); pp.43-78; Academic Press; New York; USA (1994)

Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q54954475
Entry history
Entry creation14-Dec-2015
Last entry update21-Mar-2023
Version number5