ID   UACC-457
AC   CVCL_4046
SY   UACC 457; UACC457; University of Arizona Cell Culture-457
DR   Wikidata; Q54973849
RX   PubMed=9973934;
RX   PubMed=10952317;
RX   PubMed=19383853;
CC   Derived from site: Metastatic; Abdomen; UBERON=UBERON_0000916.
DI   NCIt; C3224; Melanoma
OX   NCBI_TaxID=9606; ! Homo sapiens (Human)
SX   Male
AG   41Y
CA   Cancer cell line
DT   Created: 04-04-12; Last updated: 29-06-23; Version: 10
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RT   "Two types of human malignant melanoma cell lines revealed by
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