ID   HFF-2
AC   CVCL_3286
DR   CLO; CLO_0003731
DR   ATCC; SCRC-1042
DR   Wikidata; Q54883258
RX   PubMed=18415935;
CC   Donor information: Established from foreskin pooled from four individuals (ATCC=SCRC-1042).
CC   Discontinued: ATCC; SCRC-1042; true.
CC   Derived from site: In situ; Foreskin, skin; UBERON=UBERON_0001471.
CC   Cell type: Fibroblast of foreskin; CL=CL_1001608.
OX   NCBI_TaxID=9606; ! Homo sapiens (Human)
SX   Male
AG   <1M
CA   Finite cell line
DT   Created: 04-04-12; Last updated: 29-06-23; Version: 12
RX   PubMed=18415935; DOI=10.1387/ijdb.082590le;
RA   Eiselleova L., Peterkova I., Neradil J., Slaninova I., Hampl A.,
RA   Dvorak P.;
RT   "Comparative study of mouse and human feeder cells for human embryonic
RT   stem cells.";
RL   Int. J. Dev. Biol. 52:353-363(2008).