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Cellosaurus SJSA-1 (CVCL_1697)

[Text version]
Cell line name SJSA-1
Accession CVCL_1697
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: SJSA-1 (RRID:CVCL_1697)
Comments Part of: Cancer Dependency Map project (DepMap) (includes Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia - CCLE).
Part of: COSMIC cell lines project.
Part of: MD Anderson Cell Lines Project.
Population: African American.
Doubling time: 31 hours (PubMed=25984343); ~24 hours (PubMed=21519327).
Microsatellite instability: Instable (MSI-low) (Sanger).
Omics: CRISPR phenotypic screen.
Omics: Deep exome analysis.
Omics: Deep quantitative proteome analysis.
Omics: DNA methylation analysis.
Omics: Protein expression by reverse-phase protein arrays.
Omics: shRNA library screening.
Omics: SNP array analysis.
Omics: Transcriptome analysis by microarray.
Omics: Transcriptome analysis by RNAseq.
Misspelling: SISA; Cosmic=1529912.
Misspelling: SJSA2; Cosmic=1097756.
Derived from site: In situ; Bone, femur; UBERON=UBERON_0000981.
Sequence variations
  • Gene deletion; HGNC; 1787; CDKN2A; Zygosity=Hemizygous (PubMed=19787792).
  • Mutation; HGNC; 6407; KRAS; Simple; p.Gln61His (c.183A>T); ClinVar=VCV000045117; Zygosity=Heterozygous (Cosmic-CLP=909717; DepMap=ACH-000748).
  • Mutation; HGNC; 7989; NRAS; Simple; p.Gln61Lys (c.181C>A); ClinVar=VCV000073058; Zygosity=Heterozygous (Cosmic-CLP=909717; DepMap=ACH-000748).
  • Mutation; HGNC; 11998; TP53; None_reported; -; Zygosity=- (PubMed=19787792).
HLA typing Source: PubMed=26589293
Class I
Genome ancestry Source: PubMed=30894373

Origin% genome
Native American0
East Asian, North1.2
East Asian, South0
South Asian0
European, North2.05
European, South6.03
Disease Osteosarcoma (NCIt: C9145)
Osteosarcoma (ORDO: Orphanet_668)
Species of origin Homo sapiens (Human) (NCBI Taxonomy: 9606)
Hierarchy Children:
CVCL_HG09 (S_M6R1)CVCL_HG10 (S_N40R2)
Sex of cell Male
Age at sampling 19Y
Category Cancer cell line
STR profile Source(s): ATCC=CRL-2098; Cosmic-CLP=909717; PubMed=19787792

D19S43314.2,15 (ATCC=CRL-2098)
15 (PubMed=19787792)
Penta D2.2,10
Penta E11,14

Run an STR similarity search on this cell line
Web pages https://tcpaportal.org/mclp/

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Cell line collections (Providers) AddexBio; C0004004/64
ATCC; CRL-2098
CLS; 305096
Cell line databases/resources CLO; CLO_0009031
cancercelllines; CVCL_1697
Cell_Model_Passport; SIDM01112
Cosmic-CLP; 909717
DepMap; ACH-000748
Anatomy/cell type resources BTO; BTO:0004216
Biological sample resources BioSample; SAMN03472540
BioSample; SAMN10987778
CRISP screens repositories BioGRID_ORCS_Cell_line; 468
Chemistry resources ChEMBL-Cells; CHEMBL3308885
ChEMBL-Targets; CHEMBL2366298
GDSC; 909717
PharmacoDB; SJSA1_1382_2019
PubChem_Cell_line; CVCL_1697
Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q54953586
Experimental variables resources EFO; EFO_0002330
Gene expression databases ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-38
ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-783
ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-2770
ArrayExpress; E-MTAB-3610
GEO; GSM320826
GEO; GSM879221
GEO; GSM887574
GEO; GSM888657
GEO; GSM1670426
GEO; GSM1676316
GEO; GSM1701650
Polymorphism and mutation databases Cosmic; 687931
Cosmic; 909717
Cosmic; 931911
Cosmic; 1070843
Cosmic; 1074396
Cosmic; 1097756
Cosmic; 1188476
Cosmic; 1529912
IARC_TP53; 27705
LiGeA; CCLE_243
Progenetix; CVCL_1697
Proteomic databases PRIDE; PXD030304
Sequence databases EGA; EGAS00001000978
Entry history
Entry creation04-Apr-2012
Last entry update02-May-2024
Version number43