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Cellosaurus Pt K2 (CVCL_0514)

[Text version]
Cell line name Pt K2
Synonyms Pt K2 (NBL-5); NBL-5; Pt-K2; PTK-2; Ptk-2; PTK 2; PtK 2; PTK2; PtK2; Ptk2; Potorous tridactylus Kidney 2
Accession CVCL_0514
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: Pt K2 (RRID:CVCL_0514)
Comments Group: Marsupial cell line.
Part of: Naval Biosciences Laboratory (NBL) collection (transferred to ATCC in 1982).
Karyotypic information: As the diploid chromosome number of P.tridactylus is quite small (2n=12), this cell line is suited to the study of mitosis and to easily visualize the chromosomes under a microscope.
Omics: Transcriptome analysis by RNAseq.
Derived from site: In situ; Kidney; UBERON=UBERON_0002113.
Species of origin Potorous tridactylus (Potoroo) (NCBI Taxonomy: 9310)
Hierarchy Children:
CVCL_JZ44 (M2.7.1)CVCL_JZ53 (PtK2BN1)CVCL_JZ54 (PtK2TN1)
Sex of cell Male
Age at sampling Adult
Category Spontaneously immortalized cell line
Web pages https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptk2_cells

PubMed=14004541; DOI=10.1038/194406a0
Walen K.H., Brown S.W.
Chromosomes in a marsupial (Potorous tridactylis) tissue culture.
Nature 194:406-406(1962)

Stulberg C.S., Coriell L.L., Kniazeff A.J., Shannon J.E.
The animal cell culture collection.
In Vitro 5:1-16(1970)

PubMed=4398660; DOI=10.1515/znb-1971-0717
Lorenz P.R., Ainsworth J.W.
Cell cycle analysis and stimulation of rat kangaroo cells (PtK 2) after pulse labeling.
Z. Naturforsch. B. 26:722-724(1971)

PubMed=4116062; DOI=10.1007/BF00320161
Lorenz P.R., Ainsworth J.W.
Chromosomes and DNA-replication of rat kangaroo cells (PtK 2).
Chromosoma 38:431-440(1972)

PubMed=976012; DOI=10.1007/BF00293727
Branch A.D., Berns M.W.
Nucleoli and ploidy in Potorous cells (PTK2) in vitro.
Chromosoma 56:33-40(1976)

Graves J.A.M., Hope R.M.
Fusion and hybridization of marsupial and eutherian cells. I. Growth of marsupial cells and co-cultivation with eutherian cells.
Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 30:445-459(1977)

PubMed=569474; DOI=10.1071/BI9780293
Hope R.M., Graves J.A.M.
Fusion and hybridization of marsupial and eutherian cells. V Development of selective systems.
Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 31:293-301(1978)

PubMed=26252667; DOI=10.1371/journal.pone.0134738; PMCID=PMC4529305
Udy D.B., Voorhies M., Chan P.P., Lowe T.M., Dumont S.
Draft de novo transcriptome of the rat kangaroo Potorous tridactylus as a tool for cell biology.
PLoS ONE 10:E0134738-E0134738(2015)

Cell line collections (Providers) ATCC; CCL-56
ATCC; CRL-6494 - Discontinued
BCRC; 60335
CLS; 608316
ECACC; 88031601
JCRB; IFO50012
KCB; KCB 82026YJ
Cell line databases/resources CLO; CLO_0008518
CLO; CLO_0008519
CLDB; cl3957
Anatomy/cell type resources BTO; BTO_0002282
Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q17130857
Entry history
Entry creation04-Apr-2012
Last entry update19-Dec-2024
Version number24