Cellosaurus search result: 1372 hits for problematic cell lines
CVCL_8653 | 1-1ras1000 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_8654 | 1-1src | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_2260 | 1-5c-4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1778 | 1.1B4 | Homo sapiens (Human) / Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_2257 | 1.1E7 | Homo sapiens (Human) / Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_D317 | 1181N1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5239 | 1205Lu | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C527 | 13-9B | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0110 | 1321N1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5I82 | 1321N1 (+Galpha16) AequoScreen | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5I83 | 1321N1 AequoScreen | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C3IQ | 1321N1 MRTFA KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_KU48 | 1321N1 P2RY1 Gq | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C3IR | 1321N1 RHOA KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C3IS | 1321N1 YAP1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_ZD90 | 1321N1-HA-P2Y1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_ZD94 | 1321N1-HA-P2Y11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_ZD95 | 1321N1-HA-P2Y12 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_ZD96 | 1321N1-HA-P2Y13 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_ZD97 | 1321N1-HA-P2Y14 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_ZD91 | 1321N1-HA-P2Y2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_ZD92 | 1321N1-HA-P2Y4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_ZD93 | 1321N1-HA-P2Y6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EB | 1321N1-MFSD1-KO-c12 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EC | 1321N1-MFSD1-KO-c5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4ED | 1321N1-NIPAL3-KO-c1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EE | 1321N1-NIPAL3-KO-c3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EF | 1321N1-NPC1-KO-c10 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EG | 1321N1-NPC1-KO-c8 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EH | 1321N1-SLC16A11-KO-c17 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EI | 1321N1-SLC16A11-KO-c8 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EJ | 1321N1-SLC16A2-KO-c3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EK | 1321N1-SLC16A2-KO-c6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EL | 1321N1-SLC17A7-KO-c13 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EM | 1321N1-SLC17A7-KO-c16 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EN | 1321N1-SLC22A4-KO-c10 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EP | 1321N1-SLC22A4-KO-c11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EQ | 1321N1-SLC23A3-KO-c6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4ER | 1321N1-SLC23A3-KO-c7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4ES | 1321N1-SLC24A5-KO-c4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4ET | 1321N1-SLC25A21-KO-c13 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EU | 1321N1-SLC25A21-KO-c7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EV | 1321N1-SLC26A10-KO-c2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EW | 1321N1-SLC26A10-KO-c5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EX | 1321N1-SLC26A2-KO-c3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EY | 1321N1-SLC26A2-KO-c7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4EZ | 1321N1-SLC2A10-KO-c11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4F0 | 1321N1-SLC2A10-KO-c6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4F1 | 1321N1-SLC2A3-KO-c18 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4F2 | 1321N1-SLC2A3-KO-c21 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4F3 | 1321N1-SLC2A3-KO-c4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4F4 | 1321N1-SLC35F5-KO-c10 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4F5 | 1321N1-SLC35F5-KO-c11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4F6 | 1321N1-SLC35G2-KO-c11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4F7 | 1321N1-SLC35G2-KO-c13 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4F8 | 1321N1-SLC37A2-KO-c3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4F9 | 1321N1-SLC37A2-KO-c7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FA | 1321N1-SLC43A3-KO-c3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FB | 1321N1-SLC43A3-KO-c6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FC | 1321N1-SLC4A8-KO-c4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FD | 1321N1-SLC4A8-KO-c6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FE | 1321N1-SLC6A9-KO-c3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FF | 1321N1-SLC6A9-KO-c5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FG | 1321N1-SLC8A1-KO-c4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FH | 1321N1-SLC8A1-KO-c7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FI | 1321N1-SLC9A9-KO-c10 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FJ | 1321N1-SLC9A9-KO-c6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FK | 1321N1-SV2A-KO-c14 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FL | 1321N1-SV2A-KO-c17 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FM | 1321N1-TUSC3-KO-c10 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FN | 1321N1-TUSC3-KO-c4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FP | 1321N1-UCP2-KO-c3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FQ | 1321N1-UCP2-KO-c5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FR | 1321N1-UCP3-KO-c13 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D4FS | 1321N1-UCP3-KO-c16 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C9F6 | 1321N1/Cas9-hyg | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_KT02 | 1321N1/FFAR1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_H355 | 1321N1/P2Y1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_H356 | 1321N1/P2Y11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_H357 | 1321N1/P2Y12/Galpha15 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_H358 | 1321N1/P2Y2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_H359 | 1321N1/P2Y4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_H360 | 1321N1/P2Y6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3480 | 1A2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L811 | 1E8 [Human leukemia] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0114 | 2008/C13*5.25 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T15 | 222 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T16 | 222TR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6530 | 23CLN | Sus scrofa (Pig) |
CVCL_9556 | 2474/90 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M629 | 2563 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_EP74 | 28SC-ES | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9557 | 2957/90 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9558 | 3051/80 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_LM95 | 3AB-OS | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4993 | 41M | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_N788 | 41M-cisR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_Y037 | 41M47 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_Y427 | 41M:RD1694 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0124 | 435.eB | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C528 | 5-8F | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_S665 | 5-8F/Erbitux | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C529 | 6-10B | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1K12 | 9009B | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_0080 | A-673 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_JM58 | A-673 clone Asp114 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D6TY | A-673 EHD1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C6N5 | A673-SLFN11-KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RF | Abcam U-87MG ABCA1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RG | Abcam U-87MG ABL1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RH | Abcam U-87MG ADAM10 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RI | Abcam U-87MG ADRB3 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RJ | Abcam U-87MG AKR1C1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RK | Abcam U-87MG ALDH1A1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RL | Abcam U-87MG APP KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RM | Abcam U-87MG ASNS KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RN | Abcam U-87MG ASS1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RP | Abcam U-87MG ATP1A3 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RQ | Abcam U-87MG BACE2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RR | Abcam U-87MG BEST1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RS | Abcam U-87MG BIN1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RT | Abcam U-87MG CACNA2D1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RU | Abcam U-87MG CAV1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RV | Abcam U-87MG CD82 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RW | Abcam U-87MG CHI3L1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RX | Abcam U-87MG CHRM3 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RY | Abcam U-87MG CHRNA5 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1RZ | Abcam U-87MG CNTNAP1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1S0 | Abcam U-87MG CSF1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1S1 | Abcam U-87MG CST3 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1S2 | Abcam U-87MG CTSD KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1S3 | Abcam U-87MG CYP1B1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1S4 | Abcam U-87MG DCX KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1S5 | Abcam U-87MG DLG4 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1S6 | Abcam U-87MG DRD1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1S7 | Abcam U-87MG DYRK1A KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1S8 | Abcam U-87MG ECE1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1S9 | Abcam U-87MG EGFR KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SA | Abcam U-87MG ELAVL3 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SB | Abcam U-87MG ELAVL4 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SC | Abcam U-87MG ENPP2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SD | Abcam U-87MG ERN1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SE | Abcam U-87MG FGFR1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SF | Abcam U-87MG FLT1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SG | Abcam U-87MG FMR1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SH | Abcam U-87MG FN1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SI | Abcam U-87MG FOS KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SJ | Abcam U-87MG FOXA2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SK | Abcam U-87MG FOXC2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SL | Abcam U-87MG G3BP1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SM | Abcam U-87MG GABBR1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SN | Abcam U-87MG GABRA1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SP | Abcam U-87MG GAD1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SQ | Abcam U-87MG GBA KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SR | Abcam U-87MG GFAP KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SS | Abcam U-87MG GJA1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1ST | Abcam U-87MG GLUL KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SU | Abcam U-87MG GRIA1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SV | Abcam U-87MG GRIA2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SW | Abcam U-87MG GRIA4 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SX | Abcam U-87MG GRIN2A KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SY | Abcam U-87MG GRIN2B KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1SZ | Abcam U-87MG GRM1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1T0 | Abcam U-87MG GRM3 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1T1 | Abcam U-87MG GRM5 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1T2 | Abcam U-87MG GRM7 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1T3 | Abcam U-87MG GSK3A KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1T4 | Abcam U-87MG GSN KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1T5 | Abcam U-87MG HTR7 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1T6 | Abcam U-87MG HTT KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1T7 | Abcam U-87MG IDH1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1T8 | Abcam U-87MG IL13RA2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1T9 | Abcam U-87MG ITPR1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TA | Abcam U-87MG KCND2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TB | Abcam U-87MG KCNJ6 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TC | Abcam U-87MG KEAP1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TD | Abcam U-87MG L1CAM KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TE | Abcam U-87MG LAMP1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TF | Abcam U-87MG LAMP2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TG | Abcam U-87MG LGI1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TH | Abcam U-87MG LOXL1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TI | Abcam U-87MG MAP2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B0ZG | Abcam U-87MG MAPT KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TJ | Abcam U-87MG MGLL KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TK | Abcam U-87MG MMP3 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TL | Abcam U-87MG MMP9 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TM | Abcam U-87MG NCAM1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TN | Abcam U-87MG NCSTN KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TP | Abcam U-87MG NEO1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TQ | Abcam U-87MG NFE2L2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TR | Abcam U-87MG NPTX1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TS | Abcam U-87MG NRP2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TT | Abcam U-87MG NTRK2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TU | Abcam U-87MG NTRK3 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TV | Abcam U-87MG PARK7 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TW | Abcam U-87MG PDE5A KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TX | Abcam U-87MG PEA15 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TY | Abcam U-87MG PLA2G6 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1TZ | Abcam U-87MG PLAUR KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1U0 | Abcam U-87MG PLXNB2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1U1 | Abcam U-87MG PML KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1U2 | Abcam U-87MG PRKCA KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1U3 | Abcam U-87MG PRKCD KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1U4 | Abcam U-87MG PRKCG KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1U5 | Abcam U-87MG RAB39B KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1U6 | Abcam U-87MG RAB8A KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1U7 | Abcam U-87MG ROBO1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1U8 | Abcam U-87MG RUNx1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1U9 | Abcam U-87MG SCARB2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UA | Abcam U-87MG SCG2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UB | Abcam U-87MG SDHB KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UC | Abcam U-87MG SERPINB2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UD | Abcam U-87MG SERPINE1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UE | Abcam U-87MG SFRP1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UF | Abcam U-87MG SLC2A3 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UG | Abcam U-87MG SLC6A4 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UH | Abcam U-87MG SLIT2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C0BJ | Abcam U-87MG SNCA KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UI | Abcam U-87MG SQSTM1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UJ | Abcam U-87MG STMN1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E4AP | Abcam U-87MG STXBP1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UK | Abcam U-87MG TBX2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UL | Abcam U-87MG TH KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UM | Abcam U-87MG TLR4 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UN | Abcam U-87MG TNC KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UP | Abcam U-87MG TNFAIP3 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UQ | Abcam U-87MG TRPM8 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UR | Abcam U-87MG TSPO KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1US | Abcam U-87MG TUBB3 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UT | Abcam U-87MG UBE3A KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UU | Abcam U-87MG UCHL1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UV | Abcam U-87MG VCAN KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UW | Abcam U-87MG VIM KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D1UX | Abcam U-87MG VLDLR KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D7C9 | Abeomics U87MG GFP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E133 | ABS-9 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4407 | AC29 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_6872 | ACC-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6873 | ACC-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6874 | ACC-M | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6875 | ACCNS | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_6876 | ACCS | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1068 | ACN | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B7TC | ACN/IFN-gamma | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B7TD | ACN/neo | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B6FF | ADG | Unidentified (Unknown organism) |
CVCL_8169 | ADLC-5M2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1R48 | Ae-Aedae | Opodiphthera eucalypti (Emperor gum moth) |
CVCL_1R46 | Ae-Aedve | Opodiphthera eucalypti (Emperor gum moth) |
CVCL_1R47 | Ae-Culin | Opodiphthera eucalypti (Emperor gum moth) |
CVCL_D101 | AG-F | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5G39 | AICHI-4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8170 | AKI | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_U957 | AlAb | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4735 | ALVA-101 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4737 | ALVA-31 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4734 | ALVA-41 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4736 | ALVA-55 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3643 | Amdur II | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D631 | AO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1072 | ARH-77 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A5YK | ARH-77 clone A5P3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0144 | ARO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B0CC | ART [Human OVCAR-8 contaminated cell line] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1904 | AV3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2862 | AZ-521 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9480 | AZ-H3c | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9479 | AZ-H6c | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6367 | B-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0R19 | B-THP-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6C17 | B1OXI | Sus scrofa (Pig) |
CVCL_6C18 | B6 [Contaminated chicken cell line] | Sus scrofa (Pig) |
CVCL_J646 | BALB/3T3 A31-1-1 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_L996 | BALB/3T3 A31-1-13 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_4E32 | BALB/3T3-APR-MUC1 cl.16 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_WH94 | Ban | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WX21 | BC-DS | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WX22 | BC-TS | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0164 | BCaP-37 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A033 | BCC-1/KMC | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1081 | BE-13 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5492 | BEL-7402 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M184 | BEL-7402/5'-DFUR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5493 | BEL-7402/5-FU | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6568 | BEL-7404 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_IP16 | BEL-7404-CP.3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_IP07 | BEL-7404-CP1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_IP09 | BEL-7404-CP20 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_IP08 | BEL-7404-CP7.5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6570 | BG1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_DD13 | BG1LucERbc9 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3360 | BGC-823 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5494 | Bhas42 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_6278 | BHP 10-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6279 | BHP 14-9 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6280 | BHP 15-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6281 | BHP 17-10 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6282 | BHP 18-21 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6283 | BHP 2-7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6284 | BHP 5-16 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6285 | BHP 7-13 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4W01 | BHP2-7 Pazopanib selected | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8092 | BIC-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2309 | BICR 18 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_LE10 | BIONi012-A | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6881 | BIU-87 | Unidentified (Unknown organism) |
CVCL_6882 | BIU-87/ADMR | Unidentified (Unknown organism) |
CVCL_8173 | BLIN-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1968 | BM-1604 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_VS63 | BMT10 | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_1090 | BONNA-12 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_VS64 | BOS4 | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_D280 | BrCA 5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0607 | BS-C-1 | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_3656 | BSC40 | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_8157 | BSCC-93 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1858 | BT-B [Human HeLa contaminated cell line] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_Z252 | BTI-Tnao38 | Trichoplusia ni (Cabbage looper) |
CVCL_4J79 | C-378 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_U332 | C-386 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4J80 | C-430 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1969 | C-433 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2322 | C16 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A5YN | C23/11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1102 | Ca9-22 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4769 | CABA I | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6883 | CAC2 | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_UY83 | CaES-17 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0235 | Caki-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E3VW | Caki-2 DNMT3A KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E3VX | Caki-2 SETD2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T14 | CaMa clone 15 | Mesocricetus auratus (Golden hamster) / Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_KU71 | cAMP Hunter 1321N1 CALCR-RAMP3 Gs | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M091 | CaOV | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6861 | Caov-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8444 | CaVe | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WN72 | CaVe K-10V | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_Y097 | CC-M2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_Y099 | CC-M3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M023 | CCL3 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_M024 | CCL4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4142 | CCO | Ameiurus nebulosus (Brown bullhead) (Pimelodus nebulosus) |
CVCL_JX47 | CCO-SFM | Ameiurus nebulosus (Brown bullhead) (Pimelodus nebulosus) |
CVCL_1859 | CCRF-HSB-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D160 | CEC-32 | Coturnix japonica (Japanese quail) (Coturnix coturnix japonica) |
CVCL_D5YC | CEC-32/chMx-Luc | Coturnix japonica (Japanese quail) (Coturnix coturnix japonica) |
CVCL_KS70 | CellSensor IL-1-bla ECV304 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WU74 | CG1001 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6383 | CGBQ | Anser cygnoides (Swan goose) |
CVCL_1120 | CGTH-W-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4992 | CH1 [Human ovarian carcinoma] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X012 | CH1-cisR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_Y426 | CH1:RD1694 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0238 | Chang Liver | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1R45 | CHB | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_7166 | CHP-100 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_IV94 | CHP-100L | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_IV95 | CHP-100S | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4359 | CHP-234 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_G347 | CHSE/F | Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) (Eupomotis macrochirus) |
CVCL_A0XU | CL2621 | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_1R52 | Clom 15 | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_1T03 | Clone 1A | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Chinook salmon) (Salmo tshawytscha) |
CVCL_M022 | CM-319 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D297 | CMP [Human contaminated rectal cancer] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L115 | CMPII C2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L293 | CNDT2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L294 | CNDT2.5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6888 | CNE-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6889 | CNE-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6890 | CNE-2Z | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_YT53 | CNE1 SRPK1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_YT55 | CNE1 SRPK1/2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_YT54 | CNE1 SRPK2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C9B8 | CNE2-IR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_J653 | CO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A078 | COGA-8 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_FA09 | COL [Human neuroblastoma] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2A40 | Col-1 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_4604 | Col-10 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_4605 | Col-7 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_3934 | COLO 38 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A1FC | COLO 38R | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F641 | COLO 587 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1862 | COLO 677 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1992 | COLO 699 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1993 | COLO 699N | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1995 | COLO 720E | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_AV69 | COLO 720E contaminated | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1133 | COLO 741 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1996 | COLO 775 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1998 | COLO 818 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8290 | CoLo-TC | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_U227 | COMMA-D/MME | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_2010 | COV434 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1150 | CTV-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RX77 | CTV-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2012 | D-11 | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Chinook salmon) (Salmo tshawytscha) |
CVCL_1154 | D-263MG | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5735 | D-54MG | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8669 | D18T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2884 | D98/AH2 Clone B | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4360 | Dami | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D279 | DAPT | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_J651 | DD | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8674 | Detroit 30A | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2436 | Detroit 6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M618 | Detroit 6 clone 12 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8188 | Detroit 98 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8189 | Detroit 98/AG | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A9AQ | Detroit 98/AGR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_U961 | Detroit 98/AH | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8190 | Detroit 98/AH-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8191 | Detroit 98/AH-R | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A9AR | Detroit 98/Apt | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8192 | Detroit 98S | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7187 | DEV [Human lymphoma] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2019 | DM-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1Q83 | DM12 [Human OCSCC] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1Q84 | DM14 [Human OCSCC] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_W888 | DRHEp2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6286 | DRO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4738 | DuPro-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4834 | E006AA | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_YI81 | E006AA ZIC2-/- E5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_YI82 | E006AA ZIC2-/- G12 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X480 | E006AA-hT | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1185 | EB3 [Human Burkitt lymphoma] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8344 | EB33 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E307 | EC9706 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5V05 | EC9706 clone EC1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5V06 | EC9706 clone EC2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5V07 | EC9706 clone EC3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6898 | Eca-109 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7189 | eCAS | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_7260 | ECC-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4518 | ECTC | Chlorocebus sabaeus (Green monkey) (Simia sabaea) |
CVCL_2029 | ECV-304 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8345 | ED(27) | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8346 | EEK | Sus scrofa (Pig) |
CVCL_L804 | EH | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_T447 | EH-118MG | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1194 | EHEB | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2893 | EJ-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_LN34 | EJ-30 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_LN35 | EJ-30 clone A3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_LN36 | EJ-30 clone B3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_LN37 | EJ-30 clone B3-WrnDN1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F666 | EJ-30tgr | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2443 | Ej138 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3680 | EL 1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8686 | ElCo | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_VN20 | ELD-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_VN21 | ELD-1 C-11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_VN22 | ELD-1 C-8 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_VN23 | ELD-1 D-9 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4361 | EPC | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) |
CVCL_E3AG | EPC-EC | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) |
CVCL_E3AK | EPC-EC-Vip-C11 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) |
CVCL_E3AJ | EPC-EC-Vip-C7 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) |
CVCL_6E02 | EPCtiHSP70 | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) |
CVCL_8193 | EPLC-32M1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8194 | EPLC-65H | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WM74 | EPLC-65M2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3509 | ES-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_JY93 | ES-2/GFP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_CZ94 | ES-2/T80 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_CZ95 | ES-2/TxT50 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M715 | ES-2R | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B398 | ESKOL | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8351 | ESP-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8857 | EU-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8865 | EU-7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7262 | EUE | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A5LI | EUE6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8687 | EVLC2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1658 | EW-8 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1Q45 | F-137 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A5VW | F-49-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A039 | F2.4A3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A040 | F2.4E5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A041 | F2.5B6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8688 | F255A4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WJ23 | F56 [Misidentified human neoplasm] | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_9917 | FB-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1R34 | Fitz-HSA | Canis lupus familiaris (Dog) (Canis familiaris) |
CVCL_1905 | FL | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F664 | Flow13000 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5910 | Flow5000 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F662 | Flow6000 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2904 | Flow7000 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L984 | FQ | Aotus trivirgatus (Three-striped night monkey) (Douroucouli) |
CVCL_Z133 | FRI-SpIm-1229 | Mamestra brassicae (Cabbage moth) |
CVCL_0265 | FRTL-5 | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_4838 | FU-RPNT-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_U962 | G-11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0270 | G-401 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_QW55 | G-401 BAF47 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_J252 | G-401-Luc | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1Q46 | G3.32.2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L269 | G401.6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M021 | GB60 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B052 | GBM8901 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8199 | GHE | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_H544 | GHR3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2254 | Girardi Heart | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1815 | Girardi Heart clone 2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1816 | Girardi Heart clone 7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7265 | GK-5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A9AS | GL PK/1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3371 | GLC-82 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_J110 | GM01311 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_J111 | GM01312 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D870 | GM01500 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F172 | GM03813 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_H615 | GM1500-6TG-A11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_H616 | GM1500-6TG-A12 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_H617 | GM1500-6TG-OUB | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_T825 | GM24468 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_AT69 | GNE-587170 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WL58 | GNM | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2050 | GOS-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5510 | GP8 [Mouse] | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_1R31 | GPS-M | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_1R32 | GPS-PD | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_2451 | GR-M | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7667 | GREF-X | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_1237 | GT3TKB | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7669 | H-494 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L296 | H-STS | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_VD88 | H157R | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T06 | H7D7A | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T07 | H7D7B | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T10 | H7D7BD5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T08 | H7D7C | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T09 | H7D7D | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6906 | HAC-84 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_S898 | HAC15 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8690 | HAEND | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8223 | hAG | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B401 | Hair-M | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0F62 | HAPI | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_M630 | HBC | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_4362 | HBL-100 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A5RV | HBLT-11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A5RW | HBLT-12 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A5RX | HBLT-13 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_AT91 | HBMEC-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D281 | HBT-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_J652 | HBT-39b | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M746 | HBT-E | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_Z631 | HC-04 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B7D7 | HC-04.J7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1243 | HC-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2917 | HCC-56 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_G002 | HCC60 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_V729 | HCC630 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M619 | HCE | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M850 | HCu 10 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M852 | HCu 18 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M853 | HCu 22 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M854 | HCu 27 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M855 | HCu 33 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M856 | HCu 37 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M857 | HCu 39 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8229 | HCV-29TMV | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B367 | HD-Mar | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2247 | HD-Mar-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1273 | HD-MY-Z | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2926 | HEC-155 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8313 | HEC-180 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M624 | HEK | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M625 | HEK/HRV | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1R39 | HEL-R66 | Chlorocebus aethiops (Green monkey) (Cercopithecus aethiops) |
CVCL_1906 | HEp-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2817 | HEp-2 clone 2B | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_GZ00 | Hep-2 TPFR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A8JP | HEp-2-NS1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B7H7 | HEp-2/VCR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2940 | HEp-2C | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0027 | Hep-G2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RX04 | HEp2-Mx2/EGFP L1D7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RX05 | HEp2-Mx2/EGFP L1G5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4226 | Hepa-T1 | Anguilla japonica (Japanese eel) |
CVCL_W635 | HES [Human contaminated endometrial epithelial] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4T83 | HET-2A | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3866 | HHUA | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8439 | HIMeg-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5290 | HKB-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WZ51 | HKC | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8776 | HKMUS | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8230 | HKMUS-SF | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_W669 | HKTN-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WN40 | HL-7702BaPT | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WU73 | HL-CZ | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8231 | HL111783 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2255 | HLF-a | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8233 | HMV-I | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0308 | HNE-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_FA07 | HNE-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M838 | HNOS | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_4J67 | hntES | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6868 | HO-8910 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0310 | HO-8910PM | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B0WD | HO8910-TAX/CBP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8706 | HONE-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M595 | HONE-1/CPT30 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M596 | HONE-1/CPT30R | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9124 | Horse | Cricetulus griseus (Chinese hamster) (Cricetulus barabensis griseus) |
CVCL_7959 | HPB-MLT | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UJ09 | HPB/ADR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UJ10 | HPB/VP-16 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8446 | HPC-36M | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8224 | hPTC | Sus scrofa (Pig) |
CVCL_1D09 | HROBML03 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0660 | Hs 172.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0698 | Hs 229.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0707 | Hs 255.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0711 | Hs 274.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0715 | Hs 281.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0726 | Hs 343.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0761 | Hs 445 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0814 | Hs 600.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0816 | Hs 604.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0819 | Hs 606.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0825 | Hs 616.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0827 | Hs 618.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0836 | Hs 675.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F646 | Hs 677.St | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_0846 | Hs 688(A).T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0855 | Hs 698.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0878 | Hs 737.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0882 | Hs 739.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0888 | Hs 742.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0891 | Hs 751.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_S071 | Hs 817.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0928 | Hs 819.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0932 | Hs 821.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0933 | Hs 822.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0938 | Hs 834.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0941 | Hs 839.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0942 | Hs 840.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0959 | Hs 863.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0966 | Hs 870.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0979 | Hs 888.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0993 | Hs 895.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1031 | Hs 934.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1038 | Hs 940.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2516 | HS-Sultan | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8355 | HSC-41 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2517 | HSG | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A047 | HSG-AZA1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A048 | HSG-AZA3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WL39 | HSG-S6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WL38 | HSG-S8 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2951 | HSGc-C5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B032 | HSY | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_U462 | HSY-EB | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WU77 | HT [Human HeLa contaminated cell line] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0319 | HT-2 clone A5E | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_X007 | hTERT-EEC-B37 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8451 | Hu1734 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8238 | Hu456 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8239 | Hu549 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8240 | Hu609 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8241 | Hu609T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8242 | Hu609Tmv | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8243 | Hu961a | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B150 | HUES 2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9T09 | Huker | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8283 | HuKo39 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8357 | HuL-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WH71 | HuL-1-317 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WH70 | HuL-1.P3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2526 | HuNS1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M861 | Hut | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_G137 | HuT-11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_G138 | HuT-12 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_G139 | HuT-13 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_G140 | HuT-14 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E3I3 | HyCyte NCI-H157-Luc | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1MT | HyCyte SK-HEP-1 KO-hHSP90AA1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1MU | HyCyte SK-HEP-1 KO-hMGST1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1MV | HyCyte SK-HEP-1 KO-hPFDN2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5530 | I51T | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_1305 | IM-9 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B6CV | IM-9-P | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B6CW | IM-9-P3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B6CZ | IM-9-P31 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B6D0 | IM-9-P32 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B6CY | IM-9-P33 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B6CX | IM-9-P6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8245 | IMC-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8246 | IMC-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8247 | IMC-4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_HF55 | ImKC | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_0350 | IN157 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1907 | Intestine 407 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7169 | IPDDC-A2 | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_6C42 | IPEC | Bos taurus (Bovine) |
CVCL_1R53 | IPRB | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_Z489 | IPRI-OL-11 | Choristoneura fumiferana (Spruce budworm moth) (Archips fumiferana) |
CVCL_Z490 | IPRI-OL-7 | Choristoneura fumiferana (Spruce budworm moth) (Archips fumiferana) |
CVCL_C877 | iPS-SMA-3.5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C878 | iPS-SMA-3.6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7168 | IPTP/98 | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_B6YU | iSLK | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B6YV | iSLK.219 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F642 | IST-1 [Human contaminated placenta] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C411 | IZD-MB-0503 | Trichoplusia ni (Cabbage looper) |
CVCL_2965 | J-111 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3990 | J-96 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3529 | J558 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_4015 | JCA-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M093 | JHC | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2785 | JHH-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T11 | JHPI-1 clone-16 | Mesocricetus auratus (Golden hamster) |
CVCL_M620 | JHT | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5987 | JHU-012 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5988 | JHU-013 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5989 | JHU-019 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5992 | JHU-028 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_T011 | JKT-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_T014 | JKT-HM | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1Q86 | JMAR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WI16 | JMAR C39 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WI17 | JMAR C42 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4W58 | JMU-RTK-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2082 | JOSK-I | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8141 | JOSK-K | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2083 | JOSK-M | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8142 | JOSK-S | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8362 | JTC-17 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A034 | JTC-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2537 | K1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6308 | K2 [Human thyroid carcinoma] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1322 | K5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8363 | KA-S1 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_6301 | KAK-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6302 | KAT-10 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6304 | KAT-4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0370 | KAT-5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6305 | KAT-50 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6306 | KAT-7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0372 | KB | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D680 | KB 16 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D681 | KB 18 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C4YP | KB N10 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2088 | KB-3-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1D82 | KB-A1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1D83 | KB-C1-R1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1D80 | KB-C1.5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D600 | KB-C2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1D81 | KB-C2.5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E3EU | KB-ChR-8 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5994 | KB-ChR-8-5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5997 | KB-ChR-8-5-11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M125 | KB-ChR-8-5-11-24 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_IP04 | KB-CP.5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_IP05 | KB-CP10 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_IP06 | KB-CP20 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_IP17 | KB-CP5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X335 | KB-CV60 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M096 | KB-R | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2089 | KB-V1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_HA90 | KB/BF-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_HA91 | KB/BF-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_AE00 | KB/STP-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_AE01 | KB/STP-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D644 | KBH5.0 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D599 | KBv200 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7963 | KCC-MS871 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7966 | KCC-TCM901 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2090 | KCI-MOH1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M123 | KCP-4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3386 | KE-97 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_U657 | KE2a | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0A01 | KIZ-81A | Cervidae (Deer) |
CVCL_M264 | KKU-213B | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M260 | KKU-213C | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C1L6 | KKU-M214/246 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C1L7 | KKU-M214/9 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_HF58 | KKU-M214/GEM | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0011 | KM-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L095 | KM20 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0B38 | KM20-C | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D889 | KM20L2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1R51 | KM3 [Contaminated human melanoma] | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_2991 | KMS-21-BM | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5301 | KMT-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2800 | KNS-89 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3000 | KO51 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2789 | KOSC-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3002 | KP-1N | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3003 | KP-1NL | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4Y21 | KP-1NL-Luc#2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D283 | KP-P1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5308 | KPB-M15 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2094 | KPL-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8886 | KRJ-I | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F660 | KS Y-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6B18 | Kst-6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6B19 | Kst-V100 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5871 | KTCTL-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5878 | KTCTL-30 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4714 | KU-7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M894 | KU-7-luc2-GFP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E131 | KU-YS | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3007 | KYM-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5616 | KYM-1D4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6926 | L-02 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1908 | L-132 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7170 | L-41 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L297 | L-STS | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M623 | L132 clone G-38-7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6666 | LAH1 | Bufo japonicus formosus (Eastern-Japanese common toad) |
CVCL_6667 | LAH2 | Pelophylax porosus brevipodus (Nagoya Daruma pond frog) (Rana brevipoda porosa) |
CVCL_5G52 | LC5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5G53 | LC5-HIV | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8438 | Led-T1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RX26 | LF-BK | Sus scrofa (Pig) |
CVCL_RX27 | LFBK-alphaVbeta6 | Sus scrofa (Pig) |
CVCL_1T05 | LN 14832 | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_3958 | LN-319 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3960 | LN-443 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3962 | LN-464 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8260 | LR10.6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D161 | LSCC-H32 | Coturnix japonica (Japanese quail) (Coturnix coturnix japonica) |
CVCL_1R49 | LT-1 [Contaminated frog cell line] | Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) / Terrapene carolina (Eastern box turtle) (Testudo carolina) |
CVCL_6929 | LTEP-a2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M631 | LU | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8892 | Lu 106 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6862 | Lu-130 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_LK86 | LuKII | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M094 | M10T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B057 | M4A4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B058 | M4A4 GFP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B059 | M4A4 LM3-2 GFP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B060 | M4A4 LM3-4 CL16 GFP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M665 | MA-1 [Human contaminated lymphoma] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3845 | MA-104 | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_3846 | MA-104 Clone 1 | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_U963 | MA-111 | Chlorocebus aethiops (Green monkey) (Cercopithecus aethiops) |
CVCL_8261 | MA-160 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A161 | Ma-Mel-25 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RX32 | MABS-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M627 | MAC-21 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4540 | MARC-145 | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_B6C8 | MARC-145 PBD-1+EGFP clone 9/D6 | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_VG41 | MARC-145 pig CD163 | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_HA70 | MARC-Nsp11 | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_8158 | Mash-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5328 | MaTu | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5329 | MaTu/Ham | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7075 | MB-02 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1397 | MC/CAR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6671 | MC/CAR-Z2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5331 | MC4000 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3742 | McCoy | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_ZZ16 | MCF-7 TH | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_J435 | MDA 435TR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_AT80 | MDA-1986LN | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6984 | MDA-686Ln | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6985 | MDA-686Tu | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0417 | MDA-MB-435 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_R957 | MDA-MB-435-BAG | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B055 | MDA-MB-435-LCC15 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4Y10 | MDA-MB-435-Luc#1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6684 | MDA-MB-435HGF | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0622 | MDA-MB-435S | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5T70 | MDA-MB-435s-mKate2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A6LJ | MDA-MB-435S/1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1910 | MDA-N | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_IN99 | MDA435/LCC6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_IP00 | MDA435/LCC6MDR1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L807 | MDS | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1402 | Mel Ho | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3981 | Mel Wei | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RQ53 | MelHOrCDDP1000 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RQ54 | MelHOrDACARB20 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RQ51 | MelHOrNutlin20muM | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RQ55 | MelHOrPLX4032_10muM | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RS67 | MelHOrPLX4720_10muM | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RQ52 | MelHOrVCR20 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4559 | Meta 1 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_3851 | Meta 10 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_3852 | Meta 15 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_3853 | Meta 7 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_5334 | MGC-803 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UI41 | MGC-803/5FU | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UI42 | MGC-803/DDP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_VG42 | MGC-803/PTX | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UI43 | MGC-803/TA | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_LN38 | MGH-U1/OCI | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9826 | MGH-U2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A0GW | MGPK alphaVbeta6-C5 | Sus scrofa (Pig) |
CVCL_8894 | MHH225 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8264 | Minnesota EE | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8265 | MKB-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1416 | MKN28 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UW56 | MKN28-EGFP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2601 | MM127 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2603 | MM170 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2605 | MM370 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8442 | MOBS-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_ZD35 | MOC2-10 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_ZD34 | MOC2-7 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_8150 | MOLT-15 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2125 | MOLT-17 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7165 | MPanc-96 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6310 | MRO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4243 | MS [Human HeLa contaminated cell line] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0441 | MT-1 [Human contaminated breast cancer] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2129 | MT-3 [Human contaminated breast cancer] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2632 | MT-4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3448 | MuM-2C | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1431 | MUTZ-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7204 | MV-522 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0E37 | MV522/MDR1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0E38 | MV522/MRP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3042 | NC-37 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_S547 | NC-37/DC-SIGN | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_U219 | NCC16 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1452 | NCI-ADR-RES | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3970 | NCI-H1264 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1462 | NCI-H1304 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3971 | NCI-H1334 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A472 | NCI-H1339 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4363 | NCI-H1514 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0463 | NCI-H157 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4364 | NCI-H1622 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1502 | NCI-H1870 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A537 | NCI-H249 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A570 | NCI-H513 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A592 | NCI-H60 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1572 | NCI-H630 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4365 | NCI-H738 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A590 | NCI-N592 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E4CS | NCI-N592/IFN-gamma | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E4CT | NCI-N592/IL2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E4CU | NCI-N592/IL2/IFN-gamma | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8375 | NCOL-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0461 | NCTC 2544 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8156 | NCTC 3075 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E132 | NCU-F5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4781 | ND-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B064 | NM2C5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B065 | NM2C5 GFP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8462 | NOI-90 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_BW57 | NOK-SI | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X010 | NOSE-06 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X011 | NOSE-07 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0467 | NPA | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8377 | NS-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M327 | NT-hESC-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M328 | NT-hESC-10 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M329 | NT-hESC-11 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M330 | NT-hESC-12 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M331 | NT-hESC-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M332 | NT-hESC-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M333 | NT-hESC-4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M334 | NT-hESC-5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M335 | NT-hESC-6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M336 | NT-hESC-7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M337 | NT-hESC-8 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M338 | NT-hESC-9 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1617 | OC 315 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1618 | OC 316 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_LN39 | OCI-m/F1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6934 | OCM-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6935 | OCM-1A | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6937 | OCM-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6938 | OCM-8 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8387 | OCUM-6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_J350 | OE | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4627 | OE47 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4628 | OE50 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M621 | OF | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_U272 | OLGA-PH-J/92 | Unidentified (Unknown organism) |
CVCL_LI06 | OMC685 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1882 | ONCO-DG-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1R50 | OS 187 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8399 | OST | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WW21 | OST-1-PF | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8391 | OU-AML-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8392 | OU-AML-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8393 | OU-AML-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8394 | OU-AML-4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8395 | OU-AML-5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8396 | OU-AML-6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8397 | OU-AML-7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8398 | OU-AML-8 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4366 | OV-1063 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D703 | OV-1847 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0473 | OV-2008 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1628 | OVCAR-5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E3AR | OVCAR-5 CBPR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UI87 | OVCAR-5-CisR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_JY85 | OVCAR-5/RFP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3112 | OVMIU | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3115 | OVSAYO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A042 | P1.1A3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A043 | P1.1C3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A044 | P1.2C8 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A045 | P1.3F6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A046 | P1.4D6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0478 | P39 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_J916 | p53R | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7666 | Panc 01.28 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7664 | Panc 04.21 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1637 | Panc 05.04 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7665 | Panc 06.03 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_DN32 | Parks | Canis lupus familiaris (Dog) (Canis familiaris) |
CVCL_8270 | PBEI | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1640 | PC-14 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9W69 | PC-14-PM4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4888 | PC-93 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1Q81 | PC-MDS | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9W71 | PC14Br | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_J032 | PC14HM | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9W70 | PC14PE6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9W72 | PC14PE6/AS2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C169 | PCI-03 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T56 | PCI-22A | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T57 | PCI-22B | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RN09 | PDIS-6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8437 | PEAZ-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L107 | PH [Human] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D282 | PH61-N | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2162 | PLB-985 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C3HD | PLB-985 CYBB KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C8HI | PLB-985 NCF1 DeltaGT | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8747 | PMF-ko14 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_V647 | PMO | Anguilla japonica (Japanese eel) |
CVCL_4778 | PPC-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RU11 | PPT2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_U228 | PS-BME-L6 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_U229 | PS-BME-L7 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_3774 | PSP-36 | Chlorocebus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey) (Cercopithecus pygerythrus) |
CVCL_3142 | PSV811 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_W373 | PX2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_W374 | PX24 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6859 | QGY-7701 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6715 | QGY-7703 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M360 | QGY/cDDP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6944 | QSG-7701 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_S504 | R06E | Rousettus aegyptiacus (Egyptian fruit bat) (Pteropus aegyptiacus) |
CVCL_4607 | R1 [Oncorhynchus] | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Chinook salmon) (Salmo tshawytscha) |
CVCL_AT71 | R1192 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6540 | R201C | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_8271 | RAMAK-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L985 | RB [Aotus] | Aotus trivirgatus (Three-striped night monkey) (Douroucouli) |
CVCL_S611 | RB355 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B7IH | RB355 CDDP-R | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B7II | RB355 Eto-R | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_Y465 | RBHF-1 | Unidentified (Unknown organism) |
CVCL_E3P7 | RBL-IV HR+ | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_L808 | RC-2A | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8907 | RED-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L803 | Reh 6 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_W815 | REPC | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3153 | RERF-LC-MA | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3154 | RERF-LC-OK | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3580 | RF-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1657 | RF-48 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4552 | RF/6A | Macaca mulatta (Rhesus macaque) |
CVCL_J443 | RF/6A 135 | Macaca mulatta (Rhesus macaque) |
CVCL_4059 | RGC-5 | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_8463 | RM10 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_QZ55 | RMKN-28 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_Z829 | RML-12 | Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito) (Stegomyia albopicta) |
CVCL_Z182 | RML-RSE | Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Brown dog tick) (Ixodes sanguineus) |
CVCL_ZF40 | RML12.wMelPopCLA | Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito) (Stegomyia albopicta) |
CVCL_3157 | RMUG-L | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WT23 | RN | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M779 | RO-D81-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A666 | RO-H85-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0U46 | RPMI-4788 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1665 | RPMI-6666 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_V277 | RPTC-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8423 | RS-1 [Human leukemia] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2182 | RS-5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WS98 | RS773 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M628 | RSp | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1671 | RTSG | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_JZ16 | RuGli | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_U964 | RY | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4766 | S006AA | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B0U9 | S18 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B0UA | S18-1C3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B0UB | S26 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8910 | SA-4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8440 | SAM-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9997 | SAML-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1676 | SBC-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1677 | SBC-2 [Human contaminated bladder carcinoma] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_W531 | SBC-2 [Human SCLC] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1680 | SBC-7 [Human contaminated bladder carcinoma] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RL85 | SBH-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6444 | SC [Human contaminated U-937] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0517 | SCCTF | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UZ94 | SCCTF TF-R | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UZ95 | SCCTF TF-S | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X025 | SCLC-16HC | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X026 | SCLC-16HV | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8262 | SCLC-24H | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C5SY | SCP-HS | Bos taurus (Bovine) |
CVCL_8113 | SEG-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_V613 | SF172 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1689 | SF268 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6950 | SF767 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0520 | SGC-7901 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RK37 | SGC-7901/B1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RK36 | SGC-7901/B2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_VU57 | SGC7901/ADR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B0A1 | SGC7901/OXA | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_VU58 | SGC7901/VCR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M622 | SH-2 [Human contaminated breast cancer] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M383 | SH-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0019 | SH-SY5Y | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T04 | SJPL | Chlorocebus aethiops (Green monkey) (Cercopithecus aethiops) |
CVCL_J125 | SK-beta2.7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8114 | SK-GT-5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0525 | SK-HEP-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_XD84 | SK-HEP-1-Cas9-726 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_XD85 | SK-HEP-1-Cas9-727 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_XD86 | SK-HEP-1-Cas9-728 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_XD87 | SK-HEP-1-Cas9-729 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_XD88 | SK-HEP-1-Cas9-730 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_XD89 | SK-HEP-1-Cas9-731 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_XD90 | SK-HEP-1-Cas9-732 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_XD91 | SK-HEP-1-Cas9-733 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_XD92 | SK-HEP-1-Cas9-734 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_XD93 | SK-HEP-1-Cas9-735 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_AU01 | SK-HEP-1-FIX | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C8XK | SK-HEP-1-Luc | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6019 | SK-Hep-1-NIS | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M182 | SK-Hep-1/CDDP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1698 | SK-MG-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0530 | SK-N-MC | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1398 | SK-N-MC-IXC | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B0FD | SK-N-MC-IXC/VCR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_AQ53 | SK-N-RA | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0631 | SK-NEP-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X008 | SK-OV-4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A457 | SK-OV-6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WY49 | SKF5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WY50 | SKF6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3796 | SKW 6.4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2197 | SKW-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4V58 | SKW3/Clo | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9569 | SLK | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_V606 | SLR20 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UY80 | SLR20.A2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_V610 | SLR24 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0534 | SMMC-7721 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0535 | SNB-19 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1707 | SNG-M | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3923 | SNK-57 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_T040 | SNU-1958 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_YP05 | SPC-A-1BM | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6955 | SPC-A1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_W217 | SPC-A1/DTX | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_Z327 | SPC-BM-36 | Spodoptera frugiperda (Fall armyworm) |
CVCL_2200 | SPI-801 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2201 | SPI-802 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L986 | SpR | Aotus trivirgatus (Three-striped night monkey) (Douroucouli) |
CVCL_8273 | SQ-5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8441 | SR-91 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4902 | SSP-25 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_H267 | ST-4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4380 | SU-DHL-7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4379 | SU-DHL-9 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5594 | SUM229PE | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6946 | SUNE1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6956 | SUNE2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E938 | SV | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_0541 | SV80 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3799 | SW527 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F649 | SW598 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F653 | SW608 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F650 | SW613 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1725 | SW626 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F651 | SW732 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F652 | SW733 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A424 | SW850 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4057 | SW979 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_Y332 | SZ-FX2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M858 | T-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8427 | T-33 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_AS01 | T-47D-Luc | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M092 | T-9 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UY91 | t-HUE1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_J427 | t-HUE2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_J428 | t-HUE4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1U15 | T1 [Human contaminated neural stem cell] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3605 | T1-73 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4058 | T3M-12 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T20 | T404 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T19 | T406 [Human HNSCC] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1Q88 | T409 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A5XX | T91M | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6851 | Tca8113 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7906 | Tca8113-P160 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7907 | Tca8113-P60 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9U53 | Tca8113/CBP [Chengdu] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_T058 | Tca8113/CBP [Chongqing] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9U54 | Tca8113/PYM [Changsha] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9U55 | Tca8113/PYM [Chengdu] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3179 | TCO-1 [Human cervical carcinoma] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8428 | TDL-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8429 | TDL-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8430 | TDL-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8431 | TDL-4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1740 | TE 125.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1743 | TE 159.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1756 | TE 671 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2731 | TE 671 Subline No.2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1762 | TE-12 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4463 | TE-13 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4455 | TE-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9971 | TE-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9972 | TE-7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9U63 | TE-FLY-A8 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9U64 | TE-FLY-GALV | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7167 | TEC61 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9U65 | TELac2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9U66 | TELCeB6 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9U67 | TeLFBASAF | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_L806 | TI-1 [Human leukemia] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B325 | TK-1 [Human astrocytoma] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WU75 | TL [Human SiHa contaminated cell line] | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WU76 | TLouaR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9475 | TMC-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3219 | TMH-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1894 | TMM | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3806 | TO 175.T | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_F736 | TS/A | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_VL15 | TSCCa | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A342 | TSGH-8301 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4014 | TSU-Pr1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M904 | TSU-Pr1-B1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M905 | TSU-Pr1-B2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M134 | TsuGK27 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8006 | TTC-642 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4910 | Tu 138 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T17 | Tu 158LN | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4911 | Tu 159 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4912 | Tu 167 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_WI18 | Tu 167 c2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4914 | Tu 182 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4915 | Tu 212 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1T18 | Tu 212LN | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1Q85 | Tu167LN1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8275 | TuWi | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_R817 | TV-1 | Actinopterygii |
CVCL_0633 | U-118MG | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2219 | U-373MG ATCC | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C8WL | U-87 MG-EGFP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C8WM | U-87 MG-Luc | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UR33 | U-87 MG-Luc2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5J15 | U-87 MG-luc2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0022 | U-87MG ATCC | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C6JA | U-87MG ATCC ECE1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UE09 | U-87MG ATCC IDH1 p.R132H | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UR35 | U-87MG ATCC IDH1 p.R132H-Luc2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C3IF | U-87MG-parkin clone 19 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C3IG | U-87MG-parkin clone 25 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C3IE | U-87MG-parkin clone 7 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_VL16 | U-87MG/DDP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0007 | U-937 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1G29 | U251-TR3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5J12 | U87 MG-Red-FLuc | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X702 | U87-CD4 clone 2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C9F7 | U87-MG/Cas9 AAVS1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_4V16 | U87-MG/Pt | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X626 | U87.CD4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X627 | U87.CD4.CCR1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X628 | U87.CD4.CCR2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X629 | U87.CD4.CCR3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X630 | U87.CD4.CCR5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X631 | U87.CD4.CCR5.CXCR4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_X632 | U87.CD4.CXCR4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3428 | U87/DK | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_3429 | U87/WT | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A5CL | U87DND | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_XZ66 | U87MG Human EGFR vIII | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_JY78 | U87MG.deltaEGFR | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_JY80 | U87MG.DY1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_JY81 | U87MG.DY2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_JY82 | U87MG.DY3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_JY83 | U87MG.DY4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_JY84 | U87MG.DY5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C6IK | U87MG/ALDH1A3-KO.1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C6IL | U87MG/CPOX-KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D8ER | Ubigene BEL-7402 KLF14 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D8FM | Ubigene CNE-1 SETD2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E0X3 | Ubigene L-02 ACSL4 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E0X4 | Ubigene L-02 EIF2AK4 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E0X5 | Ubigene L-02 HIF1A KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E0X6 | Ubigene L-02 OLA1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E0X7 | Ubigene L-02 TFEB KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E0Z6 | Ubigene MGC-803 DSC2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EA | Ubigene U-87 MG CARD8-AS1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EB | Ubigene U-87 MG CD9 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EC | Ubigene U-87 MG DUS4L KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1ED | Ubigene U-87 MG DYNC2H1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EE | Ubigene U-87 MG EREG KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EF | Ubigene U-87 MG FAP KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EG | Ubigene U-87 MG HMOX1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EH | Ubigene U-87 MG IDH1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EI | Ubigene U-87 MG NF1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EJ | Ubigene U-87 MG NFE2L2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EK | Ubigene U-87 MG NFKB1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EL | Ubigene U-87 MG RSRP1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EM | Ubigene U-87 MG SAMD9L KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EN | Ubigene U-87 MG SERPINE1 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EP | Ubigene U-87 MG SIRT3 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1EQ | Ubigene U-87 MG SIRT7 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1ER | Ubigene U-87 MG SLC7A11 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1ES | Ubigene U-87 MG TRIB3 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_E1ET | Ubigene U-87 MG TSC2 KO | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_GY10 | UCDK9B1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_GY11 | UCDK9B2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_GY12 | UCDK9B3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_GY13 | UCDK9B4 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_GY14 | UCDK9B5 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_7732 | UM-SCC-22B | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8155 | UM-UC-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1R40 | UM-UC-3-GFP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M548 | UMJF-2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1R55 | UPES/C | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_1R56 | UPHHJA | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_0571 | UROtsa | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_M721 | UROtsa/F35 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8276 | UTMB-460 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_T435 | V-1181N1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1R57 | VC312R | Rattus norvegicus (Rat) |
CVCL_X217 | VJ-300 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_9830 | VM-CUB-3 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_6571 | VM7Luc4E2 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_UB64 | WC019i-SMA-GM13 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_S610 | WERI-Rb-27 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2760 | WiDr | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2N03 | WiDr/R | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_1909 | WISH | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A8RR | WISH-Mx2/EGFP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2764 | WKD | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0581 | WRL 68 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_C4XX | WRL-LFBK-alphavbeta6 | Sus scrofa (Pig) |
CVCL_4W86 | WRLS1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A036 | WSU-ALCL | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_A049 | WSU-CLL | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_5904 | WT-CLS1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8466 | YAA | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_FA16 | Yamada | Mus musculus (Mouse) |
CVCL_8467 | YAP | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8017 | YCU-H891 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8018 | YCU-L891 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8023 | YCU-T891 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_8931 | YJ | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2814 | YMB-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B372 | YMB-1-C | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_2815 | YMB-1-E | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_0586 | YMB-A | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_D103 | YMB-S | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_RL03 | Z-HL16C | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_XE03 | ZJU-0430 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_XE04 | ZJU-0826 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_B0F2 | ZOSL-1 | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_VE18 | ZZUi001-A | Homo sapiens (Human) |
CVCL_VE19 | ZZUi002-A | Homo sapiens (Human) |