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Cellosaurus S003651 (CVCL_V851)

[Text version]
Cell line name S003651
Synonyms C3651_FB
Accession CVCL_V851
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: S003651 (RRID:CVCL_V851)
Comments Group: Non-human primate cell line.
Part of: Yerkes National Primate Research Center cell line collection.
Omics: DNA methylation analysis.
Omics: Transcriptome analysis by RNAseq.
Derived from site: In situ; Skin; UBERON=UBERON_0002097.
Cell type: Fibroblast of skin; CL=CL_0002620.
Species of origin Pan troglodytes (Chimpanzee) (NCBI Taxonomy: 9598)
Hierarchy Children:
CVCL_1G32 (C3651)
Originate from same individual CVCL_V850 ! S003650
Sex of cell Female
Age at sampling 11Y
Category Finite cell line

PubMed=26102527; DOI=10.7554/eLife.07103
Gallego Romero I., Pavlovic B.J., Hernando-Herraez I., Zhou X., Ward M.C., Banovich N.E., Kagan C.L., Burnett J.E., Huang C.H., Mitrano A., Chavarria C.I., Ben-Nun I.F., Li Y.-C., Sabatini K., Leonardo T.R., Parast M.M., Marques-Bonet T., Laurent L.C., Loring J.F., Gilad Y.
A panel of induced pluripotent stem cells from chimpanzees: a resource for comparative functional genomics.
eLife 4:e07103.1-e07103.29(2015)

Cell line collections (Providers) Coriell; S003651 - Discontinued
Cell line databases/resources CLO; CLO_0021289
Biological sample resources BioSamples; SAME42333
Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q54951593
Gene expression databases GEO; GSM1495409
GEO; GSM1502711
Entry history
Entry creation16-Apr-2014
Last entry update29-Jun-2023
Version number13