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Cellosaurus EWS-502 (CVCL_S740)

[Text version]
Cell line name EWS-502
Synonyms EWS/502; EWS502
Accession CVCL_S740
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: EWS-502 (RRID:CVCL_S740)
Comments Part of: Cancer Dependency Map project (DepMap) (includes Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia - CCLE).
From: Fletcher J.A.; Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Boston; USA.
Population: Caucasian.
Doubling time: 46 hours (PubMed=25984343).
Omics: Deep exome analysis.
Omics: H3K27ac ChIP-seq epigenome analysis.
Omics: shRNA library screening.
Sequence variations
  • Gene fusion; HGNC; 3508; EWSR1 + HGNC; 3749; FLI1; Name(s)=EWSR1-FLI1, EWS-FLI1 (PubMed=23145994).
  • Mutation; HGNC; 11998; TP53; Simple; p.Cys135Phe (c.404G>T); ClinVar=VCV000376559; Zygosity=Homozygous (DepMap=ACH-000279).
Genome ancestry Source: PubMed=30894373

Origin% genome
Native American0
East Asian, North4.68
East Asian, South0
South Asian0
European, North38.28
European, South51.14
Disease Ewing sarcoma (NCIt: C4817)
Ewing sarcoma (ORDO: Orphanet_319)
Species of origin Homo sapiens (Human) (NCBI Taxonomy: 9606)
Sex of cell Sex unspecified
Age at sampling Age unspecified
Category Cancer cell line

PubMed=16766266; DOI=10.1016/j.ccr.2006.04.021
Davis I.J., Kim J.J., Ozsolak F., Widlund H.R., Rozenblatt-Rosen O., Granter S.R., Du J.-Y., Fletcher J.A., Denny C.T., Lessnick S.L., Linehan W.M., Kung A.L.-J., Fisher D.E.
Oncogenic MITF dysregulation in clear cell sarcoma: defining the MiT family of human cancers.
Cancer Cell 9:473-484(2006)

PubMed=23145994; DOI=10.1186/1471-2407-12-513
Jully B., Ramshankar V., Gopisetty G., Sabitha K., Rajkumar T.
Junction region of EWS-FLI1 fusion protein has a dominant negative effect in Ewing's sarcoma in vitro.
BMC Cancer 12:513.1-513.10(2012)

PubMed=25984343; DOI=10.1038/sdata.2014.35
Cowley G.S., Weir B.A., Vazquez F., Tamayo P., Scott J.A., Rusin S., East-Seletsky A., Ali L.D., Gerath W.F.J., Pantel S.E., Lizotte P.H., Jiang G.-Z., Hsiao J., Tsherniak A., Dwinell E., Aoyama S., Okamoto M., Harrington W., Gelfand E.T., Green T.M., Tomko M.J., Gopal S., Wong T.C., Li H.-B., Howell S., Stransky N., Liefeld T., Jang D., Bistline J., Meyers B.H., Armstrong S.A., Anderson K.C., Stegmaier K., Reich M., Pellman D., Boehm J.S., Mesirov J.P., Golub T.R., Root D.E., Hahn W.C.
Parallel genome-scale loss of function screens in 216 cancer cell lines for the identification of context-specific genetic dependencies.
Sci. Data 1:140035-140035(2014)

PubMed=29866822; DOI=10.1073/pnas.1802079115
Hemming M.L., Lawlor M.A., Zeid R., Lesluyes T., Fletcher J.A., Raut C.P., Sicinska E.T., Chibon F., Armstrong S.A., Demetri G.D., Bradner J.E.
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor enhancers support a transcription factor network predictive of clinical outcome.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115:E5746-E5755(2018)

PubMed=30894373; DOI=10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-2747
Dutil J., Chen Z.-H., Monteiro A.N.A., Teer J.K., Eschrich S.A.
An interactive resource to probe genetic diversity and estimated ancestry in cancer cell lines.
Cancer Res. 79:1263-1273(2019)

PubMed=31068700; DOI=10.1038/s41586-019-1186-3
Ghandi M., Huang F.W., Jane-Valbuena J., Kryukov G.V., Lo C.C., McDonald E.R. III, Barretina J.G., Gelfand E.T., Bielski C.M., Li H.-X., Hu K., Andreev-Drakhlin A.Y., Kim J., Hess J.M., Haas B.J., Aguet F., Weir B.A., Rothberg M.V., Paolella B.R., Lawrence M.S., Akbani R., Lu Y.-L., Tiv H.L., Gokhale P.C., de Weck A., Mansour A.A., Oh C., Shih J., Hadi K., Rosen Y., Bistline J., Venkatesan K., Reddy A., Sonkin D., Liu M., Lehar J., Korn J.M., Porter D.A., Jones M.D., Golji J., Caponigro G., Taylor J.E., Dunning C.M., Creech A.L., Warren A.C., McFarland J.M., Zamanighomi M., Kauffmann A., Stransky N., Imielinski M., Maruvka Y.E., Cherniack A.D., Tsherniak A., Vazquez F., Jaffe J.D., Lane A.A., Weinstock D.M., Johannessen C.M., Morrissey M.P., Stegmeier F., Schlegel R., Hahn W.C., Getz G., Mills G.B., Boehm J.S., Golub T.R., Garraway L.A., Sellers W.R.
Next-generation characterization of the Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia.
Nature 569:503-508(2019)

Cell line databases/resources cancercelllines; CVCL_S740
Cell_Model_Passport; SIDM01499
DepMap; ACH-000279
Biological sample resources BioSample; SAMN10988395
CRISP screens repositories BioGRID_ORCS_Cell_line; 174
Chemistry resources PharmacoDB; EWS502_362_2019
Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q54833006
Gene expression databases GEO; GSM2527268
GEO; GSM2527269
Polymorphism and mutation databases Cosmic; 2294584
Progenetix; CVCL_S740
Entry history
Entry creation03-Feb-2014
Last entry update02-May-2024
Version number20