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Cellosaurus MDCK 9B9-1E4 (CVCL_DF70)

[Text version]
Cell line name MDCK 9B9-1E4
Synonyms MDCK9B9-1E4
Accession CVCL_DF70
Resource Identification Initiative To cite this cell line use: MDCK 9B9-1E4 (RRID:CVCL_DF70)
Comments Group: Patented cell line.
Group: Vaccine production cell line.
Registration: International Depositary Authority, American Type Culture Collection (ATCC); PTA-7910.
Characteristics: Not tumorigenic. Highly permissive to the live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) components.
Derived from site: In situ; Kidney; UBERON=UBERON_0002113.
Cell type: Epithelial cell of kidney; CL=CL_0002518.
Species of origin Canis lupus familiaris (Dog) (Canis familiaris) (NCBI Taxonomy: 9615)
Breed/subspecies: Cocker Spaniel.
Hierarchy Parent: CVCL_0422 (MDCK)
Sex of cell Female
Age at sampling Adult
Category Spontaneously immortalized cell line

PubMed=20307595; DOI=10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.03.005
Hussain A.I., Cordeiro M., Sevilla E., Liu J.
Comparison of egg and high yielding MDCK cell-derived live attenuated influenza virus for commercial production of trivalent influenza vaccine: in vitro cell susceptibility and influenza virus replication kinetics in permissive and semi-permissive cells.
Vaccine 28:3848-3855(2010)

PubMed=22902973; DOI=10.1016/j.biologicals.2012.06.005
Vepachedu R.S., Menon A., Hussain A.I., Liu J.
Evaluation of tumorigenic potential of high yielding cloned MDCK cells for live-attenuated influenza vaccine using in vitro growth characteristics, metastatic gene expression and in vivo nude mice model.
Biologicals 40:482-494(2012)

Liu J., Schwartz R., Thompson M., Maranga L., Ghosh M., Subramanian A., Hsu S.S.-T.
MDCK cell lines supporting viral growth to high titers and bioreactor process using the same.
Patent number US8846032, 30-Sep-2014

Encyclopedic resources Wikidata; Q54904762
Entry history
Entry creation13-Jul-2016
Last entry update02-May-2024
Version number10